George C. Archibald, 1926- 1996.
Major Works of George Christopher Archibald
- "Saving and the Welfare Theory of Taxation", 1955, Econ Record.
- "Monetary and Value Theory: A critique of Lange and Patinkin", with R.G. Lipsey 1958, RES.
- "Welfare Economic: Ethics and essentialism", 1959, Economica.
- "Chamberlin versus Chicago", 1961, RES.
- "The Qualitative Content of Maximizing Models", 1965, JPE.
- An Introduction to the Mathematical Treatment of Economics, with R.G. Lipsey, 1967.
- Mathematical Economics: Methods and applications, with R.G. Lipsey, 1973.
- "Excess Demand for Labour, Unemployment and the Phillips Curve: A theoretical and
empirical study", with R. Kemmiss and J.W. Perkins, 1974, in Laidler and Purdy,
editors, Inflation and Labor Markets.
- "Non-Paternalism and the Basic Theorems of Welfare Economics", with D.
Donaldson, 1976, Canadian JE
Resources on George C. Archibald.
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