Major Works of Martin Bronfenbrenner
- "The Economics of Collective Bargaining", 1939, QJE
- "Cross-Section Studies in the Cobb-Douglas Function" with P.H.
Douglas, 1939, JPE
- "The Cobb-Douglas Function and Trade-Union Policy", 1939, AER
- "Applications of the Discontinuous Oligopoly Demand Curve",
1940, AER
- "The Keynesian Equations and the Balance of Payments", 1940, RES
- "Diminishing Returns in Federal Taxation?", 1942, JPE
- "The Role of Money in Equilibrium Capital Theory", 1943, Econometrica
- "Production Functions: Cobb-Douglas, Interfirm, Intrafirm",
1944, Econometrica
- "Some Fundamentals in Liquidity Theory", 1945, QJE
- "The Dilemma of Liberal Economics", 1946, JPE
- "Sales Taxation and the Mints Plan", 1947 REStat
- "Price Control under Imperfect Competition", 1947, AER
- "Four Positions on Japanese Finance", 1950, JPE
- "Contemporary American Thought", 1950, AJES
- "A Loan Ratio for Inflation Control", 1951, JPE
- "Contemporary Economics Resurveyed", 1953, JPE
- "The Incidence of Collective Bargaining", 1954, AER
- "Changing Fashions in Philosopher-Salesmen", 1954, AER
- "A Modest Proposal for Surplus Disposal", 1955, AER
- "Study in Redistribution and Consumption" with T. Yamane and C. H. Lee,
1955, AER
- "The Appeal of Confiscation in Economic Development", 1955, Econ Dev
Cultural Change
- "The State of Japanese Economics", 1956, AER
- "Potential Monopsony in Labor Markets", 1956, ILRR
- "Contribution to the Aggregative Theory of Wages", 1956, JPE
- "A Reformulation of Naive Profit Theory", 1960, SEJ
- "A Note on Relative Shares and the Elasticity of Substitution", 1960, JPE
- "Liquidity Functions in the American Economy", with T. Mayer,
1960, Econometrica
- "Statistical Tests of Rival Monetary Rules", 1961, JPE
- "Notes on the Elasticity of Derived Demand", 1961, Oxford EP
- Academic Encounter: The American University in Japan and Korea, 1961
- "Observations on the "Chicago School(s)", 1962, JPE
- "Balm for the Visiting Economist", 1963, JPE
- "Survey of Inflation Theory", with F.D. Holzman, 1963, AER
- "Rejoinder to Professor Eisner", 1963, Econometrica
- "Notes on Marxian Economics in the United States", 1964, AER
- "Das Kapital for the Modern Man", 1965, Science and Society
- "Paul Baran: An Appreciation", 1966, JPE
- "Trends, Cycles, and Fads in Economic Writing", 1966, AER
- "Marxian Influences in "Bourgeois" Economics", 1967, AER
- "Radical Economics in America: a 1970 survey", 1970, JEL
- Is The Business Cycle Obsolete?, 1970
- Income Distribution Theory, 1971.
- "The Structure of Revolutions in Economic Thought", 1971, HOPE
- "Samuelson, Marx, and Their Latest Critics", 1973, JEL
- Tomioko Stories, 1976.
- Macroeconomic Alternatives, 1979.
- "Early American Leaders--Institutional and Critical Traditions",
1985, AER