Major works of John S. Chipman
- "The Multi-Sectoral Multipler", 1950, Econometrica
- The Theory of Inter-Sectoral Money Flows and Income Formation, 1951.
- "A Note on Stability, Workability, and Duality in Linear Economic
Models", 1954, Metroeconomica [cwls]
- "The Foundations of Utility", 1960, Econometrica
- "On the Least Squares with Insufficient Observations", 1964, JASA
- "The Nature and Meaning of Equilibrium in Economic Theory", 1965, in
Martindale, editor, Functionalism and its Limits in the Social Sciences
- "A Survey in the Theory of International Trade", 1965, Econometrica
- "Factor-Price Equalization and the Stolper-Samuelson Theorem", 1969, IER
- "External Economies of Scale and Competitive Equilibrium", 1970, QJE
- Editor, Preferences, Utility and Demand, with L. Hurwicz et al., 1971.
- "A Renewal Model of Economic Growth: Discrete case", 1972, in Day and
Robinson, editors, Mathematical Topics in Economic Theory and Computation
- "The Ordering of Portfolios in Terms of Mean and Variance", 1973, RES
- "Homothetic Preferences and Aggregation", 1974, JET
- "Optimal Aggregation in Large-Scale Econometric Models", 1975, Sankhya
- "The Paretian Heritage", 1976, Cahiers Vilfredo Pareto [pdf]
- "Estimation and Aggregation in Econometrics", 1976, in Nashed, editor, Generalized
Inverses and Applications
- "A Renewal Model of Economic Growth: The continuous case", 1977, Econometrica
- "Compensating Variation, Consumer's Surplus and Welfare", with J.C. Moore,
1980, AER
- "A General Equilibrium Intertemporal Model of an Open Economy", with G. Tian,
1992, Economic Theory
- "A Theory of Mercantilism", 1993 [pdf]
- "The Stolper-Samuelson Theorem and the Problem of Aggregation", 1994 [pdf]
- "A Close Look at the Coase Theorem", 1998, in J.M. Buchanan and B.
Monissen, eds, Economists' Vision, [pdf]
- "Pareto: Manual of Political Economy", 2002 [pdf]
- "Slutsky's 1915 Article: How It Came to be Found and Interperted", with
J.S. Lenfant, 2002, HOPE [pdf]
- "Slutsky's Praxeology and His Critique of Bohm-Bawerk", 2004, SCED
- "Contributions of the Older German Schools to the Development of Utility
Theory", 2003, HOPE [pdf]
- "Pareto and Contemporary Economic Theory", 2006, Rivista intern. sci.
econ. comm. [pdf]
- "Tjalling C. Koopmans", 2006, in Emmett, editor, Biographical
Dictionary of American Economists [pdf]