Major Works of Simon Clement
- ["A Merchant"] A Discourse of the General Notions of Money, Trade, and Exchanges,
as they stand in relation to each other, attempted by way of aphorism,
- A Dialogue Between a Countrey Gentleman and a Merchant, Concerning
the Falling of Guinea’s, 1696
- The Interest of England, as it Stands, with Relation to the Trade of
Ireland, considered, 1698
- ["A Merchant"] A Vindication of the Bank of England from the
misrepresentations, and groundless suggestions of a late pamphlet, entitled,
'Remarks upon the Bank of England', to which is added, by way of appendix,
Essays upon banks, upon credit, upon plenty and scarcity of money, by a
Merchant [bk]
- Faults on Both Sides, or, An Essay upon the original cause, progress
and mischievous consequences of the factions in this nation, 1710
[av] [1711
- Faults on Both sides. Part the Second, or, An essay upon the original
cause, progress and mischevous consequences of the factions in the Church.
1710 [av]
- A Vindication of the Faults on Both Sides, 1710 [bk]
- Remarks Upon a Late Ingenious Pamphlet, entituled 'A Short but
thorough search into what may be the real cause of the present scarcity of
our silver coin', wherein some mistakes of that Author are endeavoured to be
removed, the vulgar errors about the valuation of money and bullion silver
are throughly discus'd and clear'd.1718