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Charles Dumoulin, 1500-1566.

Charles Dumolin (also known as "Molinaeus") was  a prominent 16th C. French legal scholar, and a notable commentator and defender of customary law.  Charles Dumoulin's insistence on the supremacy of the monarchy over feudal lords and the church, and the constitutional basis of monarchical power, places him as the grandfather of Gallicanism, absolutism and natural law theories. 

Charles Dumoulin was a Parisian native. After an initially brilliant career in courts and Parlement of Paris, Dumoulin converted to Protestantism in 1542 (first Calvinism, then after being condemned by the National Synod, Lutheranism, and then went on to his chase own peculiar mix of heresies). Fleeing from France, Dumoulin pursued a peripatetic lifestyle, teaching law at various European academies - Tubingen, Strasbourg, Dole and Besancon - for the next few years.  During his absence, his 1552 commentary on the edicts of Henry II was condemned by the Sorbonne.  In 1557, Dumoulin returned to Paris. But he was not yet out of trouble.  He was arrested and jailed by the Parlement of Paris in 1564 for his brief opposing the Council of Trent, where he declared it inadequate on legal grounds and subversive of both church traditions and royal power.   

Dumoulin's interest in common laws and practices drove him to examine the matter of contracts and usury in his 1546 treatise. Dumoulin was the father of the "autonomy doctrine" of contract - that is, that the intentions of the contractors, rather than territoriality, governs the validity and consequences of the contract.  In his treatment of usury, Dumoulin demolished the Scholastic doctrine of interest, declaring credit productive and calling for the lifting of prohibitions.  Curiously, Dumoulin also articulated a theory of money which asserted that intrinsic value of coinage was an implicit international contract.



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Major Works of Charles Dumoulin

  • Commentarii in consuetudines Parisienses, 1539 [bk] [1572 ed, 1612 Op ed]
  • Extricatio Labyrinthi de eo quod interest, 1546 [bk] [1555 ed], re-titled Extricatio labyrinthi dividui et individui,  [1562 ed, 1564 ed]
  • Tractatus commerciorum et usurarum, redituumque pecunia constitutorum et monetarum, 1546.[bk] [1555 ed, 1558 ed, 1572 ed, 1576 ed;  1612 Op ed. 1681 Op ed]  [French 1554 trans. Sommaire du livre analytique des contractz, usures, rentes constituées, interesta et monnoyes, 1681 Op ed] [English trans. Treatise on Contracts and Usury.]
  • Tractatus duo analytici, 1552 [bk] [1577 ed], [1597 ed]
  • In regulas cancellariae Romanae hactenus in regno Franciae usu receptas, 1552 [bk]
  • Commentarius ad edictum Henrici II, contra parvas datas et abusus curiae Romanae, 1552 [bk], [French 1554 trans. Commentaire sur l'édit du roi Henri II sur les petites dates, 1681 Op ed, p.369]
  • Abus des petites dates, réservations, preventions, annates, et autres vsurpations et exactions de la Cour de Rome, Contre les Edictz et ordonnances des Roys de France, 1564 [bk]
  • Traicte de l'origine, progrez et excellence du royaue et monarchie des françois, et couronne de France, 1561 [bk] [1681 Op ed., p.1025] [Latin 1564 trans Tractatus de origine, progressu et excellentia Regni & Monarchiae Francorum & Coronae Franciae; 1610 ed]  
  • Conseil sur le fait du concile de Trente, réception ou rejet d'icelui, 1564 [bk] [Latin 1565 trans. Consilium super actis Concilii Tridentini; see also Consilia duo super facto consilii Tridentini, 1606 ed]
  • Opera quae extant omnia, 1612, v.1, v.2, v.3  [1658 ed., v.1, v.2, v.3, v.4][1681 ed. v.1, v.2, v.3, v.4, v.5]




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Resources on Charles Dumoulin

  • "Vita Caroli Molinaei" in 1612 Opera Omnia, p.iiib;  [French trans. "La vie du maistre Charles du Moulin" by Julien Brodeau, 1681 Op ed p.1]
  • "Dumoulin" at New Advent Catholic Encycl.
  • Wikipedia
  • List of printed editions of Dumoulin in French Books


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