Major Works of Peter Fishburn
- Utility Theory for Decision-Making. 1970
- "Suborders on Commodity Spaces", 1970, JET
- Arrow's Impossibility Theorem: Concise proof and infinite voters", 1970, JET
- "The Irrationality of Transitivity in Social Choice", 1970, Behavioral
- "Should Social Choice be Based on Binary Comparisons?", in J Math
- "A Location Theorem for Single-Peaked Preferences", 1972, JET
- "Even-Chance Lotteries in Social Choice Theory", 1972, Theory and Decision
- "Lotteries and Social Choice", 1972, JET
- The Theory of Social Choice, 1973
- "Transitive Binary Social Choices and Interprofile Conditions", 1973, Econometrica
- "Summation Social Choice Functions", 1973, Econometrica
- "On Collective Rationality and a Generalized Impossibility Theorem", 1974, RES
- "Subset Choice Conditions and the Computation of Social Choice Sets", 1974, QJE
- "Choice functions on Finite Sets", 1974, IER
- "Impossibility Theorems without the Social Completeness Axiom", 1974, Econometrica
- "Social Choice Functions", 1974, SIAM
- "Semiorders and Choice Functions", 1975, Econometrica
- "Representable Choice Functions", 1976, Econometrica
- "Borda's Rule, Positional Voting and Condorcet's Simple Majority Principle",
with W.V. Gehrlein, 1976, Public Choice.
- "Condorcet Social Choice Functions", 1977, SIAM
- "Collective Rationality versus Distribution of Power for Binary Social Choice
Functions" with W.V. Gehrlein, 1977, JET
- "Toward a Theory of Elections with Probabilistic Voting", with W.V. Gehrlein,
1977, Econometrica
- The Foundations of Expected Utility, 1982
- "Time Preference" with A. Rubinstein, 1982,
IER [ari]
- "Non-Transitive Measurable Utility", 1982, JET
- "Transitive Measurable Utility", 1983, JET
- Non-Linear Preference and Utility Theory, 1988
- "Utility and Subjective Probability", 1994, in Aumann and Hart, editors, Handbook
of Game Theory, Vol. II.