Major Works of Werner Hildenbrand
- "On the Core of an Economy with a Measure Space of Economic Agents", 1968, RES.
- "The Core and Competitive Equilibria", 1969, Mathematical Systems Theory and Economics
- "Pareto-Optimality for a Measure Space of Agents", 1969, IER.
- "On Economies with Many Agents", 1970, JET.
- "Existence of Equilibria for Economies with Production and a Measure Space of
Consumers", 1970, Econometrica.
- "On Random Preferences and Equilibrium Analysis", 1971, JET
- "Upper Hemi-Continuity of the Equilibrium Set Correspondence for Pure Exchange
Economies", with J.F. Mertens, 1972, Econometrica.
- "Metric Measure Spaces of Agents", 1972, Proceedings of Sixth Berkeley
- "Size Removes Inequity" with A. Kirman, 1973, RES
- "Existence of Approximate Equilibria and Cores", with Schmeidler and Zamir,
1973, Econometrica.
- Core and Equilibria of a Large Economy, 1974.
- "On Equilibrium Allocation as Distributions on the Commodity Space" with S.
Hart and E. Kohlberg, 1974, JMathE
- "Stochastic Processes of Temporary Equilibria" with J.M. Grandmont,
1974, JMathE
- "Distributions of Agents' Characteristics", 1975, JMathE
- "Limit Theorems on the Core of an Economy", 1977, in Frontiers of Quantitative Economics
- Equilibrium Analysis: Variations on themes by Edgeworth and Walras, with
A.P.Kirman, 1978.
- "Stochastic Stability of Market Adjustment in Disequilibrium",
with R. Radner, 1979, in Green et al,
editors, General Equilibrium, Growth and Trade
- "On the Uniqueness of Mean Demand for Dispersed Families of Preferences",
1980, Econometrica
- "Short-Run Production Functions Based on Microdata", 1981, Econometrica
- "Core of an Economy", 1982, in Arrow and Intriligator, Handbook of
Mathematical Economics. - intro
- "Integrals of Production Sets with Restricted Substitution" with A.
Newyman, 1982, JMathE
- "The Role of Mathematics in Economics", 1982, in Cohan et al,
editors, Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science
- "On the Law of Demand", 1983, Econometrica.
- "On the Mean Income Effect: A Data Analysis of the U.K. Family Expenditure Survey",
1986, in Hildenbrand and Mas-Colell, editors, Contributions to Mathematical
- "The Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference for Market Demand is Strong",
1989, Econometrica
- "The Demand Theory of the Weak Axioms of Revealed Preference" with M.
Jerison, 1989, Econ Letters
- "Facts and Ideas in Microeconomic Theory", 1989, European ER
- "The Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference in a Productive Economy" with
B. Grodal, 1989, RES
- "Empirical Evidence on the Law of Demand", with W. Härdle and M.
Jerison, 1991, Econometrica
- Editor, Handbook of Mathematical Economics, Vol. IV, with H. Sonnenschein,
- "Family Expenditure Data, Heteroscedasticity and the `Law of DemandŽ",
with A. Kneip, 1993, Ricerche Economiche
- "Francis Ysidro
Edgeworth: Der Kern einer Tauschwirtschaft und vollständiger Wettbewerb",
1993 (working paper)
- "Francis Ysidro Edgeworth: Perfect Competition and the Core",
1993, European ER
- Market Demand: Theory and empirical evidence, 1994.
- "How Relevant are Specifications of Behavioral Relations on the Micro-level for Modelling the Time Path of Population Aggregates?",
1998, European ER
- "The Core and Competitive Equilibrium" with A. Kirman, 1998, in
Kirman, editor, Elements of General Equilibrium Analysis
- "An Exposition of Wald's Existence Proof", 1998, in E. Dierker &
K. Sigismund, editors, Karl Menger Ergebnisse eines Mathematischen
- "Demand Aggregation under Structural Stability" with A. Kneip, 1999, JMathE
- "On the Empirical Content of Economic Theories", 1999, in Kirman, editor, Economics Beyond the Millenium