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Leonard Trelawney Hobhouse 1864-1929.

British sociologist and prominent liberal theorist. Initially at Corpus Christi, Oxford, L.T. Hobhouse was lulled to L.S.E. in 1907, and eventually became the leader of its sociology department, the first in Britain.  Although an opponent of Fabianism, Hobhouse was not a staunch "Manchester School" liberal either, recognizing the need for at least some degree of government and collective decision-making. He was part of the "New Liberal" movement of the turn of the century, which included his friend John A. Hobson, which sought to move the Liberals away from laissez faire dogmatism, to include other concerns, like poverty reduction, social welfare, etc, by government intervention if need be.  



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Major Works of Leonard Trelawney Hobhouse

  • "The Principle of Induction", 1891, Mind
  • "Induction and Deduction", 1891, Mind
  • Labour Movement, 1893 [1912 3rd ed. av]
  • Theory of Knowledge: A contribution to some problems of logic and metaphysics, 1896 [bk, av]
  • Mind in Evolution, 1901 [bk]
  • Democracy and Reaction, 1904 [bk, av]
  • Lord Hobhouse: A memoir with J.L. Hammond, 1905 [bk]
  • Morals in Evolution: A study in comparative ethics, 1906, v.1, v.2
  • Liberalism, 1911 [McM]
  • Social Evolution and Political Theory, 1911 [bk, av]
  • Development and Purpose: An essay towards a philosophy of evolution, 1913.[bk, av]
  • The Material Culture and Social Institutions of the Simpler Peoples; an essay in correlation, 1915 [av]
  • The Metaphysical Theory of the State: a criticism, 1918 [av]
  • The Rational Good: A study in the logic of practice, 1921. [bk, av]
  •  The Elements of Social Justice, 1922 [bk, av]
  • Social Development, 1924.




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Resources on L.T. Hobhouse

  • L.T. Hobhouse by J.A. Hobson and M. Ginsberg, 1932
  • "Review of Hobhouse's Labor Movement", by William A. Scott,1894, AAPSS, p.131 [js]
  • Hobhouse at Spartacus
  • Hobhouse at Liberal International
  • Wikipedia


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