Major Works of Israel Kirzner
- The Economic Point of View. 1960. [mis]
- Market Theory and the Price System, 1963. [mis]
- An Essay on Capital, 1966.
- "Methodological Individualism, Market Equilibrium and the Market Process",
1967, Il Politico.
- "Entrepreneurship and the Market Approach to Development", 1971, in Toward
- Competition and Entrepreneurship, 1973.
- "Capital, Competition and Capitalism", 1974, in Champions of Freedom.
- "Producer, Entrepreneur and the Right to Property", 1974, in Blumenfeld,
editor, Property in a Humane Economy. [mis]
- "Equilibrium versus Market", 1976, in Dolan, editor, Foundations of Modern
Austrian Economics.
- "Ludwig von Mises and the Theory of Capital and Interest", in Moss, editor, Economics
of Ludwig von Mises.
- "The Entrepreneurial Role in Menger's System", 1978, Atlantic EJ
- "Entrepreneurship, Entitlement and Economic Justice", 1978, Eastern EJ.
- "Entrepreneurship, Choice and Freedom", 1978, ORDO.
- "Economics and Error", 1978, in Spadaro, editor, New Directions in
Austrian Economics.
- Perception, Opportunity and Profit: Studies in the theory of entrepreneurship,
- "Mises and the Renaissance of Austrian Economics", 1981, in Andrews, editor, Homage
to Mises. [mis,
- "Economic Planning and the Knowledge Problem", 1984, Cato
- "Prices, the Communication of Knowledge and the Discovery Process", 1984, in
Leube and Zlabinger, editors, Political Economy of Freedom.
- Discovery and the Capitalist Process, 1985.
- "Spontaneous Order and the Case for the Free Market", 1987, in Ideas on
- "Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich von Hayek: Modern extension of Austrian
subjectivism", in Leser, editor, Die Wiener Schule.
- "The Economic Calculation Debate: Lessons for Austrians", 1988, RevAustrianEcon
- "Welfare Economics: A modern Austrian perspective", 1988, in Block and
Rockwell, editors, Man, Economy and Liberty.
- Discovery, Capitalism and Distributive Justice, 1989.
- "Menger, Classical Liberalism and the Austrian School of Economics", HOPE
- "Carl Menger and the Subjectivist Tradition in Economics", 1990, in Engels et
al., editors, Klassiker der Nationalokonomie.
- "Self-Interest and the New Bashing of Economics: A fresh opportunity in the
perennial debate?", 1990, Critical Review.
- "Discovery, Private Property and theTheory of Justice in Capitalist Society",
1990, Journal des Economistes.
- "Knowledge Problems and their Solutions: Some relevant distinctions", 1990, Cultural
- "The Meaning of Market Process", 1990, in Bosch et al., editors, General
Equilibrium or Market Process.
- The Meaning of Market Process: Esays in the development of modern Austrian economics.
- Essays on Capital and Interest: An Austrian Perspective, 1996.
- "Mises and His Understanding of the Capitalist System", 1999, Cato
Journal [mis]
- "Reflections on the Misesian Legacy in Economics", 1996, RAE [mis]