Harold W. Kuhn, 1925-2014.

Princeton mathematical economist, pioneer of linear and non-linear
programming and game theory.
Major works of Harold W. Kuhn
- "Nonlinear Programming", 1951, in Neyman, editor, Proceedings of the Second
Berkeley Symposium.
- "Linear Programming and the Theory of Games", with D.Gale
and A.W. Tucker, 1951, in Koopmans, editor, Activity Analysis of Allocation and
- "The Hungarian Method for the Assignment Problem", 1955, Naval
Research Logistic Quarterly
- "On a Theorem by Wald", 1956, in Kuhn and Tucker,
editors, Linear Inequalities and Related Systems.
- "A Note on the `Law of Supply and Demand' of Gale",
1956, Mathematica Scandinavica.
Resources on Harold W. Kuhn
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