Carl Wilhelm Friedrich Launhardt, 1832-1918

German engineer-economist, pioneer of industrial location theory.
Wilhelm Laundhart was born in Hanover, and spent virtually his entire
life in that city. Launhardt career was largely without contact
with the academics of the Geman
Historical School, and his trajectory and development is more line
with the French engineering
tradition. After a period as a civil engineer working on public
highways, Launhardt was appointed professor of engineering at the
Hanover Polytechnic in 1869, eventually rising to director.
Lanhardt's theory of industrial location was originally developed in
two articles separated by a decade. The first article (1872)
stemmed from his work for roads, Launhardt started formulating
mathematical principles for efficient road network planning. The
second (1882) began asking about the optimal location of an industrial
plant. These were then worked into and expanded into
Launhardt's1887-88 Theorie des Trassirens (translated
into English as the Theory of the Trace in 1900-02).
Major works of Wilhelm Launhardt
- Ueber Rentabilität und Richtungsfeststellung der Strassen, 1869 [bk]
- "Kommerzielle Tracierung der Verkehrswege", 1872, Zeitschfirt des
Architekten und Inginieurvereins zu Hannover, v.18,
p.515 and fig (p.540)
- "Die Bestimmung des zweckmässigsten Standortes einer gewerblichen Anlage",
1882, Zeitschrift des Vereins deutscher Ingenieure, v.26 (Mar),
- "Die Bestimmung des Zweckmässigsten Standortes einer Gewerblichen
Anlage", Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure, 1882
- "Review of Walras's Théorie Mathématique" 1885,
JNS, v.45,
- Mathematische Begründung der Volkswirtschaftslehre, 1885 [bk]
[English 1993 trans. Mathematical Principles of Economics]
- Das Wesen des Geldes und die Währungsfrage, 1885 [bk]
- Theory des Trassirens, 1887-88
v.2 [English 1900-02 trans: The Theory of the Trace, being a discussion of the principles of
v.1 ("the Commercial Trace" 1900), v.2 ("The Technical Tracing of
Railway.", 1902)
- Theorie der Tarifbildung der Eisenbahnen, 1890 [bk]
- Mark, Rupel und Rupie: Erläuterungen zur Währungsfrage und
Erörterungen über das Wesen des Geldes, 1894 [bk]
- Am sausenden Webstuhl der Zeit: Übersicht über die Wirkengen der
Entwicklung der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik auf das gesamte
Kulturleben, 1900 [bk]
- HET Pages: Marginal Cost Pricing, Location Theory
Resources on Wilhelm Launhardt
- "Launhardt's Mathematical Economics", 1886, Science (v.8, Oct 1)
- "Industrial Location Theory in German Thought: Launhardt and Weber" by
Jacky Perreur [pdf]
- "Spatial Monopoly theory in 1885: Wilhelm Launhardt" by Yeung Nan Shieh,
2013 [pdf]
- Wikipedia
All rights reserved, Gonçalo L. Fonseca