Jacques Lesourne, 1928-

Major Works of Jacques Lesourne
- "A la recherche d'un critere de rentabilité pour les grand investissements",
1957, Cahiers du Semin d'econometrie
- Technique économique et gestion industrielle,
1958 [English trans: Economic Technique and Industrial Management]
- "La notion de cout marginal dans l'industire houillere", 1959, Annales des
- "Recherches sur les criteres de rentabilite des invetissements routiers",
1963, Metra
- Modeles de croissance de l'entreprise, 1972.
- Cost-Benefit Analysis and Economic Theory, 1975.
- A Theory of the Individual for Economic Analysis, 1977
- Facing the Future: Mastering the probable and managing the unpredictable, 1979.
- After Communism: From the Atlantic to the Urals, with B. Lecomte, 1991.
- Economics of Order and Disorder: the market as organizer and creator, 1992.
- Le Modèle français - grandeur et décadence, 1998
- Advances in Self-Organization and Evolutionary Economics, with P. Orlean, 1998.
Resources on Jacques Lesourne
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