Profile Major Works Resources

Ezra J. Mishan, 1917-2014 


English welfare economist at the LSE.  Early critic of economic growth, a forerunner of environmental economics.



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Major Works of Ezra J. Mishan

  • "Realism and Relevance in Consumer's Surplus", 1947, RES.
  • "The Principle of Compensation Revisited", 1952, JPE.
  • "An Investigation into some Alleged Contradictions in Welfare Economics", 1957, EJ.
  • "A Reappraisal of the Principles of Resource Allocation", 1957, Economica.
  • "Arrow and the New Welfare Economics: A restatement", 1958, EJ.
  • "Rent as a Measure of Welfare Change", 1959, AER.
  • "A Survey of Welfare Economics, 1939-1959", 1960, EJ.
  • "A Proposed Normalization Procedure for Public Investment Criteria", 1967, EJ
  • The Costs of Economic Growth, 1967.
  • Welfare Economics: An assessment, 1969.
  • "What is Wrong with Roskill?", 1970, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy.
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis, 1971.
  • "The Postwar Literature on Externalities", 1971, AER.
  • "Evaluation of Life and Limb: A theoretical approach", 1971, JPE.
  • "Welfare Criteria: Resolution of a paradox", 1973, EJ.
  • Introduction to Normative Economics, 1980.
  • Economic Efficiency and Social Welfare, 1981.




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Resources on  Ezra J. Mishan


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