Major Works of Edward C. Prescott
- "Investment Under Uncertainty", with R.E. Lucas, 1971,
- "The Multi-Period Control Problem Under Uncertainty", 1972, Econometrica
- "Equilibrium Search and Unemployment", with R.E. Lucas,
1974, JET
- "Rules Rather than Discretion: the inconsistency of optimal plans", with F.E. Kydland, 1977, JPE
- "A Competitive Theory of Fluctuations and the Feasibility and
Desirability of Stabilization Policy" with F.E. Kydland, 1980, in Fischer,
editor, Rational Expectations and Economic Policy. [nber]
- "Dynamic Optimal Taxation, Rational Expectations and Optimal Control", with
F.E. Kydland, 1980, JPE
- "Time to Build and Aggregate Fluctuations", 1982, Econometrica
- "General Competitive Equilibria Analysis in an Economy with Private
Information", with R.M. Townsend, 1984, IER
- "Pareto Optima and Competitive Equilibria with Adverse Selection and Moral
Hazard", with R.M. Townsend, 1984, Econometrica
- "The Equity Premium Puzzle: A puzzle", with R. Mehra, 1985, JME
- "Theory Ahead of Business Cycle Measurement", 1986, CROCH
and FRB Minneapolis QR [minnfed]
- "Financial Intermediary Coalitions", with
J. Boyd, 1986, JET.
- "Dynamic Coalitions: Engines of Growth"
with J. Boyd, 1987, AER [minnfed]
- "Hours and Employment: variations in
business cycle theory", with F.E. Kydland, 1991, Econ Theory
- "Economic Growth and Business Cycles",
1995, in Cooley, editor, Frontiers of Business Cycle Research
- "Needed: A theory of total factor
productivity", 1998, IER [minnfed]
- "The Transformation of Macroeconomic
Policy and Research", 2004 (nobel)