Major Works of Samuel von Pufendorf
- Elementorum iurisprudentiae universalis libri duo,
1660 [bk]
ed, 1672
ed] [English trans. Two Books on the Elements of Universal Jurisprudence]
- [pseud. "Severinus de Monzambano Veronensis"] De Statu Imperii
Germanici ad Laelium fratrem, dominum Trezolani, liber unus, 1667 [bk]
ed] [English 1696 trans. The Present State of Germany.
Lib] [French 1669
- De jure naturae et gentium, libri octo,. 1672 [bk]
[1684 2nd
ed; 1698 last
ed; 1716
ed], [English trans. Of the Law of Nature of Nations, 1710 2nd
ed, 1729 4th
ed] [French trans.,
- De officio hominis et civis prout ipsi praescribuntur lege naturali,
1673 [English trans.The Whole Duty of Man and Citizen According to the Natural Law,
1691 1st trans.1698 2nd
trans, 1716
ed], [Lib,
- Apologia pro se et suo libro, adversus autorem libelli famosi, cui
titulus: Index quarundam novitatum, quas Dn. S. Pufendorf libro suo De Jure
Naturae et Gentium contra orthodoxa fundamenta, 1674 [bk]
- ["Basilii Hyperetae"] Historisch- und politische Beschreibung der
geistlichen Monarchie des Stuhls zu Rom, 1679 [Latin trans. Tractatus
historicus de monarchia pontificis Romani, 1688
- Einleitung zu der Historie der vornehmsten Reiche und Staaten, so
itziger Zeit in Europa sich befinden, 1683 [bk]
[Latin trans. Introductio ad Historiam praecipuorum Regnorum et Statuum
modernorum in Europa, 1687
ed], [English trans., An Introduction to the History of the principal
Kings and States of Europe, 1719
ed; Lib]
- Dissertatio Epistolica Super Controversiis, quae Samueli Pufendorfio
cum quibusdam aliis circa Jus Naturale intercesserunt, 1684
- Eris Scandica, qua adversus libros de Iure Naturae et Gentium objecta
diluuntur, 1686
- Commentariorum De Rebus Suecicis ab Expeditione Gustavi Adolphi in
Germaniam ad Abdicationem usque Christinae, 1686 [bk]
- De habitu religionis christianae ad vitam civilem, 1687 [bk]
[English trans. Of the Nature and Qualification of Religion, in reference
to civil society, 1698
bk] [Lib]
- ["Immanuel Weber"] Einleitung zur Sitten- und Stats-Lehre, oder
kurtze Vorstellung der schuldigen Gebühr aller Menschen, und insonderheit
der bürgerlichen Stats-Verwandten, nach Anleitung derer natürlichen Rechte,
- De Rebus Gestis Friderici Wilhelmi Magni Electoris Brandenburgici
Commentariorum Libri Novendecim, 1695.[bk]
- Jus Feciale Divinum, sive de conssensu et dissensu protestantium
exercitatio posthuma, 1695 [bk]
[English trans. The Divine Feudal Law, or covenants with mankind
represented, or alternate title Law of Diplomacy, or Agreement and Disagreement of Protestants]