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Karl Heinrich Rau, 1792-1870.

German classical liberal economist, and long-serving professor at Heidelberg.

Originating from Erlangen, Bavaria, Karl  Daniel Heinrich Rau was the son of a Lutheran pastor and theology professor at the local university.  Rau himself was educated at the University of Erlangen, obtaining his degree in 1812. Karl Heinrich Rau was a lecturer in public finance (cameralwissenschaft) at Erlangen from 1816.  In 1822, he became a professor at the University of Heidelberg for the remainder of this life. 

K.H. Rau's three-volume economics textbook (Lehrbuch, 1826-37), was extraordinarily successful in Germany and went through numerous editions.   Rau is usually credited/blamed for introducing the tripartite division of German economic studies into economic theory (Volkswirtschaftslehre or Nationalökonomie), economic policy (Volkswirtschaftspolitik) and public finance (Finanzwissenschaft), a division which would prevail in German universities until the late 20th Century.

By virtue of his position in Heidelberg, Rau was heavily involved in the politics and administration of Grand Duchy of Baden, and was, for a time, tutor and advisor of the Grand Duke Frederick I of Baden. Rau was a champion of the liberal movement in 19th Century Germany, and was elected to the 1848 Frankfurt assembly.

Rau is often regarded as the representative of the Classical School in Germany - although his economics was closer to the French tradition of  J.B. Say than the British tradition of Ricardo.  Rau translated Storch, Say and Malthus into German.  He always reserved a special role for demand, and so may be regarded also as a proto-marginalist.  In the 1841 edition of his textbook,  Rau graphically depicted the demand-and-supply curves in their (inverted) Marshallian form (v.1, App. to §154, p.527)

Rau was a strong proponent of laissez faire (e.g. 1847).  Although highly influential during the main part of his career, Rau's star dimmed later on with the ascent of the German Historical School

K.H. Rau founded the first German economics journal, the Archiv der Politischen Oekonomie und Polizeiwissenschaft ("Archive of Political Economy and Policy Science") in 1835.  He brought on Georg Hanssen (of Leipzig) as assistant editor in 1844.  In 1853, the Archiv merged with the Zeitschrift für die gesammte Staatswissenschaft (ZGS, a journal founded in 1844 by the Tubingen faculty).  Rau would remain on the board of the new ZGS until his death.

Rau retired from Heidelberg in 1865, after over forty years of service.  Rau's professorial chair at Heidelberg was inherited by the Historicist Karl Knies.



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Major Works of Karl Heinrich Rau

  • Primae lineae historiae politices s. civilis doctrinae, 1816 [bk]
  • Ueber den Luxus, 1816 [bk]
  • Uber das Zunftwesen und die Folgen seiner Aufhebung, 1816
  • Primae lineae historiae politices, 1816
  • Zusätze zu Heinrich Storchs' Cours d'Economie Politique', 1820 [bk]
  • Malthus und Say über die Ursachen der jetzigen Handelsstockung, 1821 [bk]
  • Ansichten der Volkswirthschaft mit besonderer Beziehung auf Deutschland, 1821 [bk]
  • Grundriss der Kameralwissenschaft oder Wirthschaftslehre für encyklopädische Vorlesungen, 1823 [bk]
  • "Übersicht der Entwässerungsarbeiten an der Linth", 1825, Heidelberger Jb der Literature [offprint]
  • Grundriss der Kameralwissenschaft oder Wirthschaftslehre für encyklopädische Vorlesungen, 1823 [bk]
  • Ueber die Kameralwissenschaft: Entwicklung ihres Wesens und ihrer Theile, 1825 [bk]
  • Lehrbuch der Politischen Ökonomie, 1826-1837, 3 vols in four parts
    • v.1 (1826) - Volkswirthschaftslehre [v.1] [retitled Grundsátze der Volkswirthschaftslehre, 1837 3rd ed; 1841 4th ed; 1847 5th ed; 1855 6th ed, 1860 repr, 1863 7th ed, 1868-69 8th ed in two parts:  v.1.1, v.1.2; 1876 9th (Wagner) ed]
    • v.2 (1828) - Grundsátze der Volkswirthschaftspflege [v.2] [re-titled Grundsátze der Volkswirthschaftspolitik; 1839 2nd ed, 1844 3rd ed, 1854 4th ed, 1862-63 5th ed in two parts:   v.2.1, v.2.2]
    • v.3.1 (1832) -Grundsátze der Finanzwissenschaft, Part 1 [v.3.1]. [1843 2nd ed, 1850 3rd ed, 1855 repr; 1859 4th ed; 1864 5th ed; 1872 6th (Wagner) ed, 1877 ed]
    • v.3.2 (1837) - -Grundsátze der Finanzwissenschaft, Part 2 [3.2] [1846 2nd ed,  1851 3rd ed; 1860 4th ed]
    • A. Wagner & E. Nasse revised edition of Rau's Lehrbuch der Politischen Oekonomie  (reorg table; only partially published, Rau's name eventually dropped) 
      • v.1 (1876) Allgemeine oder theoretische Volkswirthschaftslehre, Pt.1 - Grundelengung  [1879 2nd ed]
      • v.5 (1877) - Finanzwissenschaft Pt.1 - Einleitung, Ordnung der Finanzwirthschaft, Finanzbedarf., Privaterwerb.[v.5]  [1883 (Rau's name removed, Wagner only) 3rd ed]
      • v.6 (1880) - Finanzwissenschaft Pt.2 -  Gebühren und allgemeine Steuerlehhre, 1880 [v.6] [1890 (Wagner only) 2nd ed]
      • v.7 (1889, Wagner only) - Finanzwissenschaft Pt. 3 - Specielle Steuerlehre, Geschicthe, Gesetzgebung, Statistik der Besteurung einzelner Lánder [v.7]
  • De vi naturae in rempublicam, 1831 [bk]
  • Über Beschränkungen der Freiheit in der Volkswirthschaftspflege, 1847 [bk]
  • "Über die Krisis des Zollvereins im Sommer 1852", 1852, APOP, [offprint]
  • Die landwirthsclzaftlichen Gerätie der Londoner Ausstellung, 1853
  • "Ueber den kleinsten Umfang eines Bauerngutes", 1856, ZgS, p.213
  • "Bemerkungen über die Volkswirthschaftslehre und ihr Verhaltniss zur Sittenlehre", 1870, ZGS, p.106



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Resources on K.H Rau

  • "Review of Wagner-Nasse edition of Rau's Lehrbuch, v.1", by J. Baron, 1877, Kritische Vierteljahrsschrift für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft, p.372
  • "Rau, C.H". in C. Coquelin and G.U. Guillaumin, editors, 1852, Dictionnaire de l'économie politique [1864 ed.]
  • "Rau, C.-H.i"  in L. Say and J. Chailley-Bert, editors, 1892, Nouveau Dictionnaire de l'économie politique
  • "Rau, K.H."  in R.H. Inglis Palgrave, editor, 1894-1899, Dictionary of Political Economy [1918 ed.]
  • "Rau, K.H". in 1911 Encylopedia Britannica.
  • "Rau, K.H" in 1888, Allgemeine deutsche Biography, v.27, p.844 [NDB]
  • "Rau, K.H" in J. Conrad et al, (1891-94) Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften [2nd ed, 1898-1901]
  • "Rau, C.D.H.", 2003, Neue Deutsche Biographie [NDB]
  • Carl Rau page at NDB
  • "Karl Heinrich Rau and the graphic representation of supply and demand" by K.H. Henings, 1979
  • Wikipedia


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