David George Ritchie, 1853-1903.

Scottish philosopher at
Oxford and Aberdeen,
Fabian socialist and reform-oriented Social
Major Works of David G. Ritchie
- The Moral Function of the State, 1887
- The Ultimate Value of Social Effort, 1889
- "Contributions to the History of the Social Contract Theory ", 1891,
PSQ (Dec),
p.656 [js]
- Darwinisim and Politics, 1889 [bk]
[1891 2nd
ed; 1895 3rd
- The Principles of State Interference: Four essays on the political
philosophy of Mr. Herbert Spencer, J. S. Mill, and T. H. Green, 1891 [bk]
- "What are Economic Laws?" 1892, Econ Review
p.359 (critique of Cunningham)
- Darwin and Hegel, with other philosophical studies, 1893 [bk]
- Natural Rights: A criticism of some political and ethical conceptions,
1895 [bk]
[1903 2nd
- Studies in Political and Social Ethics, 1902 [bk]
- Plato, 1902 [bk]
- Philosophical Studies, (ed. R. Latta), 1905 [bk]
Resources on David G. Ritchie
- David G. Ritchie: photo
- "Review of Ritchie's Darwinism and Politics", by William J.
Ashley, 1890, PSQ (June)
p.339 [js]
- "Review of DG Ritchie's Principles of State Interference" by W
Dunning, 1891, PSQ (Dec),
p.758 [js]
- "Review of Ritchie's Studies", by a Reader, 1902, Contemporary Review,
- "Memoir", by Robert Latta, in D.G. Ritchie, 1905, Philosophical
- Mrs. David G. Ritchie's novels: The New Warden (1918) [bk]
- Wiki
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