Dudley Seers, 1920-1983

development theorist at University of
Sussex. Dudley Seers who stressed the need for
"social development" as the area of concern for development theory. As a result,
Seers called for a rather "relativistic" criteria for judging development - in
particular, the inapplicability of conventional economics to the Third World. In
particular, Seers is highly critical of the use of Western statistical categories - such
as "unemployment" - when analyzing Third World countries.
Major Works of Dudley Seers
- "The Limitations of the Special Case", 1967, in Martin and Knapp, Teaching
of Development Economics.
- "The Meaning of Development", 1969, Int Dev Rev [draft
- "New Approaches Suggested by the Colombia Employment Program", 1970, ILR
- Towards Full Employment: A program for Colombia, 1970.
- Matching Employment Opportunities and Expectations: A programme of action for Ceylon,
- "What are We Trying to Measure?", 1972, JDevE
- "The Political Economy of National Accounting", 1975, in Cairncross and Puri,
editors, Distribution and Development Strategy
- "Life Expectancy as an Integrating Concept in Social and Demographic Analysis and
Planning", 1977, Rev of Income and Wealth
- "The New Meaning of Development", 1977, Int Dev Rev
- Under-Developed Europe: Studies in core-periphery relations, with B. Schaffer and
M. Kiljunen, 1979.
- "The Birth, Life and Death of Development Economics", 1979, in Development
and Change.
- "The Congruence of Marxism and Other Neoclassical Doctrines", 1980, in Towards
a New Strategy of Development
- (Editor, with G.M. Meier) Pioneers in Development, 1984 [pdf]
Resources on Dudley Seers
- "From Seers to Sen: The meaning of economic development", by E. Wayne
Nafziger [pdf]
- "Dudley Seers (1920–1983): His Contributions to Development
Perspectives, Policy and Studies", by Richard Jolly, 2009, IDS bulletin
- Dudley Seers
profile at BLDS
- Wikipedia
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