Hans Speier, 1905-1990.

German economist, sociologist and political scientist.
Hans Speier studied at the University of Berlin and Heidelberg, where
he came under the tutelage of Emil Lederer,
obtaining his doctorate in 1929. He subsequently became a teacher at the
Deutsche Hochschule für Politik and activist in the Social Democratic
Party (SPD). In 1932, Speier also worked as an assistant to
Lederer at Berlin.
Speier left Germany in the 1933 and reunited with Lederer at the
New School for Social Research..
Major Works of Hans Speier
- "The Salaried Employee in Modern Society", 1934, Social Research.
- "Honor and Social Structure", 1935, Social Research.
- The Salaried Employee.
- "Social Stratification", 1937, in Ascoli and Lehman, editors, Political and
Economic Democracy.
- "The Social Determination of Ideas", 1938, Social Research.
- German Radio Propaganda, 1943.
- Social order and the risks of war; papers in political sociology, 1952.
- Force and folly; essays on foreign affairs and the history of ideas, 1968.
- Europe in American perspective, 1969.
- Die Angestellten vor dem Nationalsozialismus, 1977.
- From the ashes of disgrace : a journal from Germany, 1945-1955, 1981.
Resources on Hans Speier
- Speier government ID at New School digital collections (ID)
- Speier
obituary in NY Times
- Guide to Hans Speier
at Albany
- Wikipedia
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