Major works of Stanley Fischer
- "Assets, Contingent Commodities and the Slutsky Equation", 1972, Econometrica
- "Keynes-Wicksell and Neoclassical Models of Monetary Growth", 1972, AER.
- "Money, Income, Wealth and Welfare", 1972, JET
- "Investment, The Two Sector Model, and Trade in Debt and Capital Goods", with
J.A. Frankel, 1972, JIE
- "Stabilization Policy and Lags", with J.P. Cooper, 1973, JPE.
- "Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the Fully Stochastic St. Louis Model", with
J.P. Cooper, 1974, JMCB
- "Money and the Production Function", 1974, Econ Inquiry
- "A Method of Stochastic Control of Non-Linear Models and an Application", with
J.P. Cooper, 1975, Econometrica
- "The Demand for Index Bonds", 1975, JPE.
- "Recent Developments in Monetary Theory", with R.J. Barro,
1976, JME.
- "Comparative Advantage, Trade and Payments in a Ricardian Model with a Continuum of
Goods", with R. Dornbusch and P.A. Samuelson, 1977, AER.
- "Long-Term Contracts, Rational Expectations and the Optimal Money Supply
Rule", 1977, JPE.
- "Wage Indexation and Macro-Economic Stability", 1977, CROCH
- "On the Non-Existence of Privately Issued Index Bonds in the United States Capital
Market", 1977, in Lundberg, editor, Inflation Theory and Anti-Inflation Policy.
- Macroeconomics, with R. Dornbusch, 1978.
- "Anticipations and the Non-Neutrality of Money", 1979, JPE.
- "Towards an Understanding of the Real Effects and Costs of Inflation", with F.
Modigliani 1979, WWA.
- "Capital Accumulation on the Transition Path in a Monetary Optimizing Model",
1979, Econometrica [pdf]
- "Exchange Rates and the Current Account", with R.Dornbusch, 1980, AER.
- "Dynamic Inconsistency, Cooperation and the Benevolent Dissembling
Government", 1980, JPE.
- "On Activist Monetary Policy with Rational Expectations", 1980, in Fischer,
editor, Rational Expectations and Economic Policy.
- "The Heckscher-Ohlin Trade Model with a Continuum of Goods", with R.
and P. Samuelson, 1980, QJE
- "Introduction", 1980, in Fischer, editor, Rational Expectations and Economic Policy.
- "On Activist Monetary Policy with Rational Expectations", 1980, in Fischer,
editor, Rational Expectations and Economic Policy. [nber]
- "Exchange Rates and the Current Account", with R.
Dornbusch, 1981, AER
- "Inventories, Rational Expectations and the Business Cycle" with A.S.Blinder, 1981, JPE.
- "Is there a Real-Balance Effect in Equilibrium?", 1981, JME
- "Towards an Understanding of the Costs of Inflation: II", 1981, CROCH
- "Relative Shocks, Relative Price Variability, and Inflation", 1981, BPEA
- "Seignorage and the Case for National Money", 1982, JPE.
- "Indexing and Inflation", 1983, JME
- "Inflacion y crecimento", 1984, Cuardenos d'econ [pdf]
- "Macroeconomics and Finance: The Role of the Stock Market", with R. Merton, 1984, CROCH
- "The Benefits of Price Stability", 1984, Price Stability and Public Policy.
- "Supply Shocks, Wage Stickiness and Accomodation", 1985, JMCB.
- "Contracts, Credibility and Disinflation", 1985, in Arby and Nevile, editors, Unemployment.
- "Stopping Hyperinflations Past and Present", with R.
Dornbusch, 1986, WWA
- "Monetary Rules and Commodity Money Schemes under Uncertainty", 1986, JME.
- "Friedman versus Hayek on Private Money: Review Essay", 1986, JME
- Lectures on Macroeconomics, with O.J. Blanchard, 1989.
- "Seigniorage, Operating Rules, and the High Inflation Trap", with M. Bruno,
1990, QJE
- "Rules versus Discretion in Monetary Policy", 1990, in Friedman and Hahn,
editors, Handbook of Monetary Economics, II.
- "Growth, Macroeconomics, and Development", 1991, NBER Macro Annual
- "Stabilization and Economic Reform in Russia", 1992, BPEA
- "The Role of Macroeconomic Factors in Growth", 1993, JME
- "The Costs and Benefits of Disinflation", 1994, in J. Wijnholds et al,
editors, A Framework for Monetary Stability.
- "The Unending Search for Monetary Salvation", 1995, NBER Macro Annual.
- "Stabilization and Growth in Transition Economies: The Early Experience",
1996, JEP
- "On the
Need for an International Lender of Last Resort"