Major Works of Ross M. Starr
- "Quasi-Equilibria in Markets with Non-Convex Preferences" 1969, Econometrica.
- "The Structure of Exchange in Barter and Monetary Economies" 1972, QJE.
- "Optimal Production and Allocation Under Uncertainty" 1973, QJE.
- "The Price of Money in a Pure Exchange Monetary Economy with Taxation", 1974, Econometrica.
- "Money and the Decentralization of Exchange" with Joseph Ostroy, 1974, Econometrica
- "Equilibrium with Nonconvex Transactions Costs: Monetary and Nonmonetary
Economies" with Walter P. Heller, 1976, RES. [cwls]
- "Decentralized Nonmonetary Trade", 1976, Econometrica.
- "Money in a Sequence Economy: A Correction", 1978, RES.
- "Unemployment Equilibrium with Myopic Complete Information" with Walter P.
Heller, 1979, RES.
- "Capital Market Imperfection, the Consumption Function, and the Effectiveness of
Fiscal Policy," with Walter P. Heller, 1979, QJE.
- "General Equilibrium Approaches to the Study of Monetary Economies: Comment on
Recent Developments," in Kareken and Wallace, editors, Models of Monetary
Economies, 1980.
- "Approximation of Points of the Convex Hull of a Sum of Sets by Points of the Sum:
An Elementary Approach," 1981, JET.
- "Pairwise, t-wise, and Pareto Optimalities," with Steven M. Goldman, 1982, Econometrica,
- "Decentralized Trade in a Credit Economy," 1986, in Heller et al., editors, Equilibrium
- "A Note on Indivisibilities, Specialization, and Economies of Scale" with B.K.
Edwards, 1987, AER.
- Editor, General Equilibrium Models of Monetary Economies, 1989.
- Editor, General Equilibrium Models of Monetary Economies: Studies in the Static
Foundations of Monetary Theory, 1989.
- "The Transactions Role of Money," with J. M. Ostroy,
1990, in Friedman and Hahn, editors, Handbook of Monetary Economics. -
- "The Demand for M1 in the USA, 1960-1988", with Y. Baba and D.F. Hendry, 1992,
- "Two-Part Marginal Cost Pricing Equilibrium: Existence and Efficiency" with
D.J.Brown and Walter P. Heller, 1992, JET.
- "Liquidity Constraints and Intertemporal Consumer Optimization: Theory and Evidence
from Durable Goods," with E.Y. Chah and V. Ramey, 1995, JMCB.
- "Transaction Costs, Technological Choice, and Endogenous Growth," with V.
Bencivenga and B. Smith, 1995, JET.
- "Liquidity of Secondary Capital Markets: Allocative Efficiency and the Maturity
Composition of the Capital Stock," with V. Bencivenga and B. Smith, 1996, ET
- "Why is there money? Endogenous derivation of 'money' as the most liquid
asset: a class of examples", 2003, ET.
- Why Is There Money? Walrasian General Equilibrium Foundations of
Monetary Theory, 2012