Major Works of George J. Stigler
- "Social Welfare and Differential Prices", 1938, JPE.
- "Production and Distribution in the Short Run", 1939, JPE.
- "Notes on the Theory of Duopoly", 1940, JPE.
- Production and Distribution Theories: The formative period, 1941.
- "The Economics of Minimum Wage Legislation", 1946, AER. [pdf]
- The Theory of Price, 1946.
- "The Kinky Oligopoly Demand Curve and Rigid Prices", 1947, JPE.
- "Professor Lester and the Marginalists", 1946, AER.
- Trends in Output and Employment, 1947.
- "Notes on the History of the Giffen Paradox", 1947, JPE.
- "A Survey of Contemporary Economics", 1949, JPE.
- "The Development of Utility Theory", 1950, JPE.
- Employment and Compensation in Education, 1950.
- "The Division of Labor is Limited by the Extent of the Market", 1951, JPE.
- "The Ricardian Theory of Value and Distribution",
1952, JPE.
- "Sraffa's Ricardo", 1953, AER.
- "The Early History of Empirical Studies of Consumer Behavior", 1954, JPE.
- "The Nature and Role of Originality in Scientific Progress", 1955, Economica.
- "Mergers and Preventive Anti-Trust Policy", 1955, Penn Law Review.
- "Perfect Competition, Historically Contemplated", 1957, JPE.
- "Ricardo and the 93 Per Cent Labor Theory of Value",
1958, AER. [pdf]
- "Economies of Scale", 1958, JLawE.
- "Bernard Shaw, Sidney Webb and the Theory of Fabian
Socialism", 1959, Proceedings of American Philosphical Society.
- "The Politics of Political Economists", 1959, QJE.
- "Prometheus Incorporated: Conformity or coercion?", 1960, in Spiller, editor, Social
Control in a Free Society.
- "The Influence of Events and Policies on Economic Theory", 1960, AER.
- "The Economics of Information", 1961, JPE. [pdf]
- "What Can Regulators Regulate? The case of electricity", 1962, JLawE.
- "Henry L. Moore and Statistical Economics", 1962, Econometrica.
- The Intellectual and the Marketplace, 1963.
- "Public Regulation of the Securities Markets", 1964, J of Business.
- "A Theory of Oligopoly", 1964, JPE.
- "The Dominant Firm and the Inverted Umbrella", 1965, JLawE.
- Essays in the History of Economics, 1965.
- "The Economist and the State", 1965, AER.
- "The Economic Effects of the Antitrust Laws", 1966, JLawE.
- The Organization of Industry, 1968.
- "Why Have the Socialists Been Winning?", 1969, Ordo.
- "Does Economics Have a Useful Past?" 1969, HOPE.
- "Smith's Travels on the Ship of State", 1971, HOPE.
- "The Theory of Economic Regulation", 1971, Bell JE. [online]
- "The Adoption of Marginal Utility Theory", 1972, HOPE.
- "Economic Competition and Political Competition", 1972, Public Choice.
- "Free Riders and Collective Action", 1974, Bell JE.
- "The Goals of Economic Policy", 1975, JLawE.
- The Citizen and the State, 1975.
- "Do Economists Matter?", 1976, Southern EJ.
- "De Gustibus non Est Disputandum", with Gary Becker,
1977, AER [pdf]
- 'The Conference Handbook", 1977, JPE [pdf]
- "The Pattern of Citation Practices in Economics", with C. Friedland, 1979, JPE.
- "Economics or Ethics", 1981, Tanner Lectures. [pdf]
- "The Economists and the Problem of Monopoly", 1982, AER.
- The Economist as Preacher: and other essays, 1982.
- "The Process and Progress of
Economics", 1983, JPE. [pdf,
- Memoirs of an Unregulated Economist, 1985. -