Wolfgang F. Stolper, 1912-2002.

Born in Vienna, Austria, Wolfgang Stolper was the son of the liberal
economics journalist Gustav Stolper, editor of the Deutsche
Wirtschaft magazine based in Berlin, Germany. In 1933, the
Stolper family emigrated to
the United States.
Wolfgang Stolper enrolled at Harvard
University, obtaining his Ph.D. under Joseph
Schumpter in 1938. He stayed on as instructor at Harvard for a
little while, and it was during this time that he worked with former
student Paul Samuleson on the famous "Stolper-Samuelson
theorem" on the impact of trade of income distribution (1941).
Stolper taught for a while at Swarthmore from 1941, before joining
the faculty at the University of Michigan in 1949.
Major Works of Wolfgang F. Stolper
- "Protection and Real Wages", with P.A. Samuelson,
1941, RES [pdf]
- "The National Product of East Germany",
1959, Kyklos.
- Germany Between East and West, 1960
- The Structure of the East German Economy, 1960
- "National Accounting in East Germany", 1961, in P. Deane, editor,
Studies in Social and Financial Accounting, Income and Wealth [pdf]
- Planning Without Facts, 1966
- "Planning a Free Economy: Germany 1945-1960' with K.W. Roskamp, 1979,
ZfGS/JITE [pdf]
- Joseph Alois Schumpeter: The Public Life of a Private Man, 1994.
Resources on Wolfgang Stolper
- "Protection and Real Wages: the history of an idea" by R.W. Jones [pdf]
- "The Stolper-Samuelson Theorem" by J.P. Neary. 2004 [pdf]
- "Protection and Real Wages: The Stolper-Samuelson Theorem" by Rachel
McCulloch, 2005 [pdf]
- Stolper
obituary at NY Times, 2002
- Stolper obituary at newsletter of International Joseph Schumpeter
Society [pdf]
- Guide to Stolper papers at Duke [online
- Stolper page at University of Michigan histroy project [online]
- Wikipedia
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