Major Works of James Tobin
- "A Note on the Money Wage Problem", 1941, QJE
- "Money Wage Rates and Employment" 1947, in Harris, editor, The New
- "Liquidity Preference and Monetary Policy", 1947, REStat
- "A Statistical Demand Function for Food in the USA", 1950, JRSS
- "A Dynamic Aggregative Model", 1955, JPE
- "The Application of Multivariate Probit Analysis to Economic
Data", 1955, Cowles Discussion Paper
- "The Interest Elasticity of the Transactions Demand for Cash", 1956, REStat.
- "Comment: The Measurement and Behavior of Unemployment", 1957, NBER.
- "Liquidity Preference as Behavior Towards Risk", 1958, RES.
- "Estimation
of Relationships for Limited Dependent Variables", 1958, Econometrica
- "On the Predictive Value of Consumer Intentions and
Attitudes", 1959, RES [cwls]
- "Consumer Expenditures and the Capital
Account" with Harold W. Watts, 1960, in Friend and Jones, editors, Proceedings of
the Conference on Consumption and Saving [cwls]
- "Towards a General Kaldorian Theory of Income Distribution", 1960, RES
- "Money, Capital and Other Stores of Value", 1961, AER.
- "An Essay on the Principles of Debt Management", 1963, in Fiscal and Debt
Management Policies [cwls]
- "Comments on the Relevance of Psychology to Economic Theory and
Research" with F.T. Dolbear, 1963, in Koch, editor, Psychology: A
study of a science [cwls]
- "Commercial Banks as Creators of Money", 1963, in Carson, Banking and
Monetary Studies. [cwls]
- "Financial Intermediaries and the Effectiveness of Monetary
Controls", with
W.C. Brainard, 1963, AER. [cwls]
- "Economic Growth as an Objective of Government Policy", 1964, AER
- "The Theory of Portfolio Selection", 1965, in Hahn and Brechling,
editors, Theory of Interest Rates.
- "Money and Economic Growth", 1965, Econometrica. [cwls]
- "A Monetary Interpretation of History", 1965, AER. [cwls]
- "Neoclassical Growth with Fixed Factor Proportions", with
R.M. Solow, C.C. von
Weizsacker and M. Yaari 1966, RES. [cwls]
- "Life Cycle Saving and Balanced
Growth", 1967, in Ten Economic Studies in the Tradition of Irving
Fisher [cwls]
- "Pitfalls in Financial Model Building" with
W.C. Brainard, 1968, AER. [cwls]
- "The Consumption
Function", 1968, IESS [cwls]
- "Notes on Optimal Monetary
Growth", 1968, JPE [cwls]
- "Raising the Incomes of the
Poor" 1968, in Gordon, editor, Agenda for the Nation [cwls]
- "The Case for a Negative Income Tax", 1969, in Money
and the Poor.
- "Money and Permanent Income: Some Empirical
Tests" with C. Swan, 1969, AER [cwls]
- "A General Equilibrium Approach to Monetary Theory", 1969, JMCB.
- "Deposit Interest Ceilings as a Monetary Control", 1970, JMCB.
- "Money and Income: Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc?", 1970, QJE.
[cwls, also
- "Rejoinder to Professor Friedman", 1970, QJE.
- "Wealth, Liquidity and
Consumption" with W. Dolde, 1971, in Consumer Spending and Monetary
- "Friedman's Theoretical Framework",
1972, JPE.
- "Inflation and Unemployment", 1972, AER. [cwls]
- "The Wage-Price Mechanism", 1973, in Weiner, editor, Econometrics of Price
Determination. [cwls]
- "Is Growth
Obsolete?" with W.D. Nordhaus, 1973, in Moss, editor, Measurement of Economic and Social
Performance [cwls][nber]
- Essays in Economics, two volumes, 1974-5.
- "Keynesian Models of Recession and Depression", 1975, AER.
- "Long-Run Effects of Fiscal and Monetary Policy", with W.H.
Buiter, 1976, in
Stein, editor, Monetarism. [cwls]
- "Reply: Is Friedman a
Monetarist?" 1976, in
Stein, editor, Monetarism. [cwls]
- "Hansen and Public Policy", 1976, QJE
- "Asset Markets and the Cost of
Capital." with W.C. Brainard, 1977, Economic Progress, Private Values and Public
Policy [cwls]
- "How Dead Is
Keynes?", 1977, Econ Inquiry [cwls]
- "Monetary Policies and the Economy: The transmission mechanism", 1978, Southern
EJ. [cwls]
- "A Proposal for International Monetary Reform",
1978, Eastern EJ [eej,
- "Deficit Spending and Crowding Out in Shorter and Longer
Runs", 1979, in Theory for Economic Efficiency [cwls]
- "A Model of U.S. Financial and Non-financial Economic
Behavior" with W.C. Brainard, D. Backus and G. Smith, 1980, JMCB
- "Debt Neutrality: A Brief Review of Doctrine and
with W.H. Buiter, 1979, in Fursternberg, editor, Social Security Versus Private
Saving [cwls]
- "Stabilization Policy Ten Years After",
1980, BPEA [cwls]
- "The Short-Run Macroeconomics of Floating Exchange Rates: An
with J.B. de Macedo, 1980, in Chipman and Kindleberger, editors, Flexible Exchange Rates and the Balance of
Payments [cwls]
- "Fiscal and Monetary Policies, Capital Formation, and Economic
with W.H. Buiter, 1980, in Government and Capital Formation
- "Are New Classical Models Plausible Enough to Guide
1980, JMCB [cwls]
- "Government Deficits and Capital
Accumulation", 1980, Contemporary Economic Activity [cwls]
- Asset Accumulation and Economic Activity: Reflections on contemporary macroeconomic
theory, 1980.
- "The Monetarist Counter-Revolution Today: An appraisal", 1981, EJ.
- "Money and Finance in the Macroeconomic
Process", 1982, JMCB.
- "The Commercial Banking Firm: A simple model", 1982, Scandinavian JE.
- "The 1982 Economic Report of the President: Comment on the Annual Report of the Council of Economic
Advisers", JME [cwls]
- "The State of Exchange Rate Theory: Some Skeptical
Observations", 1982, in International Monetary System Under Flexible Exchange
- "Monetary Policy: Rules, Targets, and Shocks",
1983, JMCB
- "On the Efficiency of the Financial System", 1984, Lloyd's Bank Review.
- "A Mean–Variance Approach to Fundamental
Valuations", 1984, J of Portfolio Management
- "Financial Innovation and Deregulation in Perspective", 1985, Bank of Japan
- "Neoclassical Theory in America: J. B.
Clark and Fisher", 1985, AER
- "The Monetary-Fiscal Mix: Long-Run
Implications", 1986, AER [wp
- "The Future of Keynesian Economics", 1986, EEJ,
- "A Case for Preserving Regulatory Distinctions", 1987, Challenge.
- Policies for Prosperity: Essays in a Keynesian mode, 1987.
- "Financial Intermediaries", 1987, in J. Eatwell, M.Milgate and P.
Newmand, editors, New Palgrave. [wp
- "Irving Fisher", 1987, in J. Eatwell, M.Milgate and P. Newmand, editors,
New Palgrave.
- "The Future of Social Security: one economist's assessment", 1988, in
T.R. Marmor and J.L. Mashaw, eds, Social Security in Contemporary
American Politics [wp
- "Inventories, Investment, Inflation and Taxes" 1988, in Chikan and Lovell,
editors, Economics of Inventory Management [wp
- "Growth and Distribution: A Neoclassical Kaldor–Robinson
Exercise", 1989, Cambridge JE [wp
- "The Optimal Cash Balance Proposition: Maurice
Allais' Priority" with W.J. Baumol, 1989, JEL
- "On the Theory of Macroeconomic Policy", 1990, De Economist.
- "On Crotty's Critique of Q-Theory" with W.C. Brainard, 1990, JPKE
- "The Macroeconomics of Government Finance"
with M. Haliassos, 1990, in Friedman and Hahn, editors, Handbook of Monetary
Economics -
intro [wp
- "The Invisible Hand in Modern Macroeconomics", 1991
- "Commentary of Irving Fisher's
Nature of Capital and Income, 1906", 1991 [wp
- "International Currency Regimes, Capital Mobility
and Economic Policy", 1991 [wp
- "Preface", 1991, in Edward Marz, Schumpeter
- "On the Internationalization of Portfolios"
with W.C. Brainard, 1992, Oxford EP
- "An Old Keynesian Counterattacks", 1992, Eastern
- "Money", 1992, New Palgrave Money and Finance
- "Price Flexibility and Output Stability: An Old Keynesian view", 1993, JEP.
- "Defense Spending, the Budget Deficit, and the U.S. Economy"1993
Keynote speech at ECAAR
- "International Currency Regimes, Capital Mobility and Macroeconomic
Policy", 1993, Greek ER
- "Poverty in Relation to Macroeconomic Trends, Cycles, and
Policies", 1994, in Danziger et al., editors, Confronting Poverty
- "Health Care seen by a general economist", 1994 [wp
- "Monetary Policy" 1994, in M. Feldstein, editor,
American Policy in the 1980s. [nber]
- "Democratic Values and Capitalist Efficiency: The Liberal Reconciliation."
1995, in Taitte, editor, Moral Values in Liberalism and Conservatism
- "The Natural Rate as New Classical
Macroeconomics", 1995, in Cross, editor, The Natural Rate of
Unemployment [wp
- "Some Economic Consequences of the Information Explosion",
Keynote Speech, 1995, Nobels for the Future
- "A Currency Transactions Tax, Why and How",
1996, Open Economies Review
- "A
Liberal Agenda: Response to R. Freeman", 1996, Boston Review
- "Clinton's Second Term and the American Economy",
1996, Project Syndicate [ps]
- "Thinking About A "New World Order"",
1996 Keynote speech at ECAAR
- "An Overview of the General Theory: Behavior of an
economic system without government intervention", 1997, in Harcourt and Riach, editors, A Second Edition of The General Theory
- Full Employment and Growth: Further Keynesian
essays on policy, 1996
- Money, Credit and Capital, with S.S. Golub, 1997
- "Supply Constraints on Employment and Output:
Natural Rave versus NAIRU", 1997 [cwls]
- "Can we grow faster?" 1996 [wp
- "Fisher's introductory
text",1997, AER
- "The Experiment in Applied Economics", 1997 [wp
- "Why We Need Sand In the Market's
Gears", 1997, Washington Post
- "Thoughts on Indexing the Elderly",
1997, FAS [fas]
"Judgmental Cuts in Consumer Price Indexation Are a Bad
Idea," with R. Solow and K. Arrow,
1997, FAS
- "Monetary Policy: Recent Theory and
Practice", 1998, in Wagner, editor, Current Issues in Monetary
- "Flawed
Fund: the IMF's misplaced prioirities" with G. Ranis, 1998, New
- "Europe, Japan and the Ghost of John Maynard Keynes",
1998, Project Syndicate [ps]
- "Financial Globalization", 1999, Proceedings of the American Philosophical
- "Financial Globalization: Can National Currencies
Survive?" 1999, Annual World Bank Conference of Development
- "On Minsky's Agenda for Reform", 1999, [wp
- "Floating
Currencies are the Only Way", 1999, Project Syndicate [ps]
- "Fiscal Policy: Its macroeconomics in perspective", 2001 [wp
- "Macroeconomic strategy in wartime", 2002 [wp