Robert Triffin, 1911-1993
Belgian-born and Harvard-trained
economist, at Yale since 1951.
In his 1940 work on
imperfect competition, Triffin developed fundamental criticism of Chamberlin's theory. Later gained prominence with his work on
international monetary policy.
Major works of Robert Triffin
- Monopolistic Competition and General Equilibrium Theory, 1940.
- Europe and the Money Muddle, 1957.
- Statistics of Sources and Uses of Finance, 1948-1958, with Stuvel et al., 1960.
- Gold and the Dollar Crisis: The future of convertibility. 1960.
- "Integration economique europeene et politique monetaire", 1960, Revue
Econ Politique
- The Evolution of the International Monetary System. 1964.
- The World Money Maze: National currencies in international payments, 1966.
- Our International Monetary System: Yesterday, today and tomorrow. 1968.
- "The Thrust of History in International Monetary Reform", 1969, Foreign
- "The Use of SDR Finance for Collectively Agree Purposes", BNLQR
- "Lettres au General de Gaulle", 1973, Espoir
Resources on Robert Triffin
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