Major Works of J. Trout Rader
- "The Existence of a Utility Function to Represent Preferences", 1963, RES
- "Edgeworth Exchange and General Economic Equilibrium", 1964, Yale Economic
- "On Intertemporal Efficiency", 1965, Metroeconomica
- "Pairwise Optimality and Non-Competitive Behavior", 1968, in Quirk and Zarley,
editors, Papers In Quantitative Economics
- "International Trade and Deelopment in a a Small Country", 1968, in Quirk and
Zarley, editors, Papers In Quantitative Economics, Vol. I
- "Normally, Factor Inputs are Never Gross Substitutes", 1968, JPE
- "Resource Allocation with Increasing Returns to Scale", 1970, AER
- "New Ideas in Pure Theory: Discussion", 1970, AER
- "International Trade and Development in a Small Country, II", in Zarley,
editor, Papers In Quantitative Economics, Vol. II
- Economics of Feudalism, 1971.
- Theory of General Economic Equilibrium, 1972.
- Theory of Microeconomics, 1972.
- "General Equilibrium Theory with Complementary Factors", 1972, JET
- "Impossibility of Qualitative Economics: Excessively strong correspondence
principles in production-exchange economies", 1972, ZfN
- "Nice Demand Functions", 1973, Econometrica
- "Heckscher-Ohlin Hypothesis and Scarce-Factor Theorems", 1973, with P. Van
Moeseke, Tijdschrift Voor Economie
- "Absolutely Continuous Maximizers", 1973, J of Optimization Theory and
- "An Economic Approach to Social Choice", 1973, Public Choice
- "Aggregate Laws of Production", 1974, ZfN
- "Turnpike Theory with (Under)Consumption", 1975, RES
- "Pairwise Optimality, Multilateral Optimality and Efficiency, With and Without
Externalities", 1976, in Lin, editor, Theory and Measurement of Economic
- "The Welfare Loss of Price Distortion", 1976, Econometrica
- "Equivalence of Consumer Surplus, the Divisia Index of Output and Eisenberg's
Addilog Social Utility", 1976, JET
- "Preferences which Have Open Graphs", with T. Bergstrom and R. Parks, 1976, JMathE
- "Many Good Multiplier Analysis: Classical, Neoclassical and Keynesian", 1977,
in Schwodiauer, editor, Equilibrium and Disequilibrium in Economic Theory
- "A Note on What's Wrong with IS-LM", 1977, ZfN
- "Induced Preferences on Trades when Preferences may be Intransitive and
Incomplete", 1978, Econometrica
- "An Economic Approach to Social Choice II", with T. Bergstrom, 1978, Public
- "On Factor Price Equalization", 1978, JMathE
- "Factor Price Equalization with More Industries than Factors", 1979, In Green
and Scheinkman, editors, General Equilibrium, Growth and Trade
- "The Second Theorem of Welfare Economics when Utilities are Interdependent",
1980, JET
- "Utility Over Time: The homothetic case", 1981, JET
- "Market Dynamics and the Law of Demand", with D. Keenan, 1985, Econometrica.
- "Production as Indirect Exchange", 1987, in Eatwell et al., editors, New