Major Works of Oliver E. Williamson
- "Managerial Discretion and Business Behavior", 1963, AER
- "Innovation and Market Structure", 1964, RAND [rand]
- The Economics of Discretionary Behavior: Managerial objectives in a theory of the
firm, 1964.
- "Defense Contracts: An Analysis of Adaptive Response", 1965, RAND [rand]
- "The Economics of Defense Contracting: Incentives and Performance",
1967, in R.N. McKean, Issues in Defense Economics [nber]
- "Economics as an Anti-Trust Defense: The welfare trade-offs", 1968, AER
- Corporate Control and Business Behavior: An inquiry into the effects of organization
form on enterprise behavior, 1970.
- "Administrative Decision Making and Pricing: Externality and
Compensation Analysis Applied", in J. Margolis, editor, Analysis of
Public Output [nber]
- "The Vertical Integration of Production: market failure considerations", 1971,
- "Antitrust Enforcement and the Modern Corporation", 1972, in V. Fuchs,
editor, Economic Research: Retrospect and Prospect [nber]
- "Markets and Hierarchies: Some elementary considerations", 1973, AER
- Markets and Hierarchies: Analysis and antitrust implications, 1975.
- "Franchise Bidding for Natural Monopolies: in general and with respect to
CATV", 1976, Bell JE [pdf]
- "Transaction Cost Economics: The governance of contractual relations", 1979, J
Law Econ [pdf]
- "The Economics of Organization: The transaction cost approach", 1981, American
J of Sociology [pdf]
- "The Modern Corporation: Origins, evolution attributes", 1981, JEL
- "Credible Commitments: Using hostages to support exchange", 1983, AER
- "Corporate Governance", 1984, Yale Law Jl [pdf]
- The Economic Institutions of Capitalism, 1985. [intro]
- "Vertical Integration and Related Variations on a Transaction- Cost Economics
Theme", 1986, in Stiglitz and Mathewson, editors, New Developments in the Analysis
of Market Structure [pdf]
- "Transaction Cost Economcs", 1987, JEBO
- "Mergers, Acquisition and Leveraged Buyouts: an efficiency assessment",
1987 [pdf]
- "Economics and Sociology: Promoting a dialog", 1988, in Farkas and England,
editors, Industries, Firms and Jobs
- "A Comparison of Alternative Approaches to Economic Organization", 1990, J
of Institutional and Theoretical Economics
- Organization theory : from Chester Barnard to the present and beyond., 1990.
- "The Logic of Economic Organization", 1991, in Williamson and Winter, editors,
Nature of the Firm
- "Economic Institutions: Spontaneous and intentional governance", 1991, Journal
of Law, Economics and Organization
- "Markets, hierarchies, and the modern corporation: an unfolding perspective",
1993, JEBO
- "The Institutions and Governance of Economic Development and Reform",
1995, Proc of World Bank Annual Conf [pdf]
- The Mechanisms of Governance, 1996.
- "Transaction Cost Economics: how it works, where it is headed", 1998,
De Economist [pdf]
- "Public and Private Bureaucracies: A transctions cost economics
perspective", 1999, JLEO [pdf]
- "Human Actors and Economic Organization", 1999 [pdf]
- "New Institutional Economics: Taking Stock, Looking Ahead", 2000, JEL
- "Contract and Economic Organization", 2000, Revue d'Ă©conomie
industrielle [pers]
- "The Economics of Governance: an Overview", [pdf]
- "The Theory of the Firm as Governance Structure: From Choice to
Contract", 2002 [pdf]
- "The Lens of Contract: private ordering", 2002 [pdf]
- "Transaction Cost Economics and Economic Sociology", 2003 [pdf]
- "Transaction Cost Economics: An introduction", 2007 [pdf]
- "Pragmatic Methodology: A Sketch, with Applications to Transaction Cost
Economics", 2007 [pdf]
- "Transaction Cost Economics: The natural progression" 2009 [nobel]
- "The Transaction Cost Economics Project", 2014, Montenegrin JE [pdf]