Major Works of William R. Zame
- "Approximate Cores of Large Games", with Myrna H. Wooders, 1984, Econometrica
- "Equilibria in Banach Lattices without Ordered Preferences", with N.C. Yannelis, 1986, JMathE
- "Proper Preference and Quasi-Concave Utility Functions", with S.F. Richard,
1989, JMathE
- "Competitive Equilibria in Production Economies with an Infinite Dimensional
Commodity Space", 1987, Econometrica
- "Asymptotic Behavior of Asset Markets: asymptotic efficiency", 1988, in
Boldrin, editor, General Equilibrium and Growth.
- "The Consumption-Based Capital Asset Pricing Model", with D.J. Duffie, 1989, Econometrica
- "The Non-Atomic Assignment Model", wih N. Gretsky and J. Ostroy,
- "Efficiency and the Role of Default when Security Markets are Incomplete",
- "The Algebraic Geometry of Competitive Equilibrium", with L.E. Blume, 1991.
- "Equilibrium Theory in Infinite Dimensional Spaces", with A. Mas-Colell, 1991, in Hildenbrand and Sonnenschein, editors, Handbook
of Mathematical Economics, Vol. IV.
- "The Nonatomic Assignment Model", with N. Gretsky and J.M. Ostroy, 1992, Econ Theory
- "Nonatomic Economies and the Boundaries of Perfect Competition", with J.M. Ostroy, 1994, Econometrica.
- "A Representation Theorem for Riesz Spaces and its Applications to Economics"
with Y.A. Abramovich and C.D. Aliprantis, 1994.
- "The Algebraic Geometry of Perfect and Sequential Equilibrium", with L. Blume,
1995, Econometrica
- "Debt Constraints and Equilibrium in Infinite-Horizon Economies with Incomplete
Markets" with D.K. Levine, 1996, JMathE
- "The Existence of Securities Market Equilibrium with a Non- atomic State
Space", with A. Mas-Colell, 1996, JMathE
- "An Application of Measure Theory to Perfect Competition" with N. Gretsky
and J. Ostroy, 1997, in Goldstein, Gretzky and Uhl, editors, Stochastic
Processes and Functional Analysis
- "Edgeworth's Conjecture with Infinitely Many Commodities: L1" with
R.M. Anderson, 1997, Econometrica
- "Edgeworth's Conjecture with Infinitely Many Commodities: Commodity
differentiation" with R.M. Anderson, 1998, Economic
- "Perfect Competition in the Continuous Assignment Model", with N. Gretsky and
J.. Ostroy, 1999, JET
- "Genericity with Infinitely Many Parameters", with R.M. Anderson,
2000, Advances in Theoretical Economics [pdf]
- "Does Market Incompleteness Matter?", with D.K. Levine, 2001,
Econometrica [pdf]
- "Incentives, Contracts and Markets: A General Equilibrium Theory of
Firms", 2007 [pdf]