Georg Friedrich Knapp, 1842-1926

A heavy-working empiricist of the German
Historical School.
After studying at Munich and Berlin, Knapp obtained his doctorate in
Göttingen in 1865, in an empirical study of von
Thünen's theory of wages. Knapp was appointed to the
statistical research bureau of Prussian Saxony, and lectured on
statistics at the local university of Leipzig from 1869. Knapp
moved west to become professor of economics at the University of
Strasbourg in 1872, which had just been transformed from a French to a
German university. Knapp and his colleague Gustav
Schmoller formed the kernel of the "younger
generation" of the German
Historical School at Strasbourg.
Georg Friedrich Knapp applied his statistical tools to many historical and
demographic studies of economic arrangements. His work on agricultural systems
(1891) and money (1905) are perhaps best known.
Knapp was the champion of the "Chartalist" theory of
money, i.e. that the value of money is not due to its inherent commodity
value, nor even custom, but rather anchored artificially by State
acceptance of the payment of taxes in that currency.
After the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, Knapp retired from
Major Works of G.F. Knapp
- Zur Prüfung der untersuchungen Thünens über Lohn und Zinsfuss im
isolirten Staate, 1865 [bk]
- Über die Ermittlung der Sterblichkeit aus den Aufzeichnungen der
Bevölkerungsstatistik,1868 [bk]
- Die Sterblichkeit der Sachsen, 1869 [bk]
- Die neueren Ansichten über Moralstatistik, 1871. [bk]
- Theorie des Bevolkerungs-wechsels, 1874. [bk]
- Die Bauernfreiung und der Uroprung der Landarbeiter in den älteren
Teilen Preussen, 1887,
- "Der Ursprung der Sklaverei in den Kolonien", 1889, AfSGS,
- "Die Erbuntertänigkeit und die kapitalistische Wirtschaft",
1891, SchmJGVV,
- Die Landarbeiter in Knechtschaft und Freiheit, 1891 [bk]
- "Über Leibeigenschaft in Russland und im Osten Deutschlands", 1892,
- Grundherrschaft unde Rittergut, 1897 [bk]
- Staatliche Theorie des Geldes, 1905 [bk,
[1918 2nd ed,
1921 3rd ed.
1923, 4th ed.], [English 1924 trans. The State Theory of Money [McM]
- "Die Beziehungen Österreichs zur staatlichen Theorie des Geldes",
1908, ZfVSV [gb]
- Ausgewählte Werke, 1925
- Einführung in einige Hauptgebiete der Nationalökonomie:
siebenundzwanzig Beiträge zur Sozialwissenschaft, 1925
Resources on G.F. Knapp
- "Der Kampf des preußischen Königtums um die Erhaltung des Bauernstandes",
by Gustav von Schmoller
1888, SchmJGVV (v.12),
p.645 (review of Knapp)
- "Review of Knapp's Die Landarbeiter" by N. Kablukow, 1892, AfSGS,
- "Review of G. Knapp's Die Bauernbefreiung, Knapp's
Landarbeiter, and the Abhandlungen aus dem Staatswissenschaftlichen
Seminar", LM Keasbey, 1892, PSQ (Dec),
p.754 [js]
- Georg Knapp
entry at Deutsche Biographie
- (1)
- Wikipedia
All rights reserved, Gonçalo L. Fonseca