Profile Major Works Resources

Paolo Sylos Labini, 1920-2005.

Italian economist.



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Major works of Paolo Sylos Labini

  • "Monopoli ristagno economico e politica keynesiana", 1954, Econ Internaz
  • "Il prolema dello sviluppo economico in Marx ed in Schumpeter", 1954, in Papi, editor, Teoria e political dello sviluppo economico
  • Oligopolio e progresso tecnico, 1956  [1957 ed, (pdf)] [1967 ed (pdf)], [English 1962 trans. Oligopoly and Technical Progress]
  • L'imndustria petrolifera negli Stati Unit, nel Canada, e nel Messico, with G. Guarino, 1956.
  • "Relative Prices and Development Programmes", 1957, BNLQR
  • "Lo sviluppo economico in Marx e Schumpeter", 1960, in Economie capitalitische ed economie pianificate
  • Economie capitalistiche ed economie pianificate, 1960 [apsl]
  • "Prices Distribution and Investment in Italy, 1951-1966", 1967, BNLQR
  • "Prices and Wages: A theoretical and statistical interpretation of Italian experience", 1967, J Industrial Econ
  • "Produttivita, salari e prezzi", 1967, in Produttivita e prezzi.
  • Problemi dello sviluppo economico, 1970 [apsl]
  • Sindacati, inflazione e produttività, 1972  [English 1974 trans: Trade unions, Inflation and Productivity]
  • Saggio sulle classi sociali, 1974 [apsl]
  • Il sottosviluppo e l’economia contemporanea, 1983 [apsl]
  • "Factors affecting changes in productivity", 1983, JPKE
  • Le forze dello sviluppo e del declino, 1984 [apsl] [English 1984 trans. Forces of Economic Growth and Decline]
  • "The great debates on the laws of returns and the value of capital: when will economists finally accept their own logic?", 1988, BNLQR
  • Elementi di dinamica economica, 1992 [apsl]
  • Economic Growth and Business Cycles: Prices and the process of cyclical development, 1993
  • Il pensiero economico: temi e protagonisti, with A.Roncaglia, 1995
  • "Why the interpretation of the Cobb Douglas production function must be radically changed", 1995, SCED
  • Progresso tecnico e sviluppo ciclico, 1995 [apsl]
  • “Sottosviluppo” – una strategia di riforme, 2001 [apsl] [English trans: Underdevelopment: A Strategy for Reform]




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Resources on Paolo Sylos Labini

  • Associzaione Sylos Labini website at Univ Tuscia, including: Sylos Labini's publications and  papers archive
  • "In Memory of Paolo Sylos Labini", by Marcella Corsi, EJHET [pdf]
  • "Paolo Sylos Labini: A tribute" by Alessandro Rocanglia, 2006, EAPE [pdf][pdf]
  • "Paolo Sylos Labini" by Alessandro Rocanglia, 2006, Economia e lavoro [pdf]
  • "Paolo Sylos Labini" by Alessandro Rocanglia, 2006, Moneta e credito [pdf]
  • Sylos Labini entry at Treccani it.
  • Wikipedia


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