Major Works of Paul A. Samuelson
- "Some Aspects of the Pure Theory of Capital", 1937, QJE.
- "A Note on Measurement of Utility", 1937, RES.
- "A Note on the Pure Theory of Consumer's Behaviour", 1938, Economica.
- "Numerical Representation of Ordered Classifications and the Concept of
Utility", 1938, RES.
- "Interaction Between the Multiplier Analysis and the Principle of
Acceleration", 1939, RES.
- "The Stability of Equilibrium: Comparative statics and dynamics", 1941, Econometrica.
- "Protection and Real Wages", with Wolfgang F. Stolper, 1941, RES.
- "Constancy of the Marginal Utility of Income", 1942, in Lange et al, editors, Studies
in Mathematical Economics.
- "The Relation Between Hicksian Stability and True Dynamic Stability", 1944, Econometrica.
- Foundations of Economic Analysis, 1947.
- "Some
Implications of Linearity", 1947, Econometrica [cwls]
- "Consumption Theory in Terms of Revealed Preference", 1948, Economica
- Economics: An introductory analysis, 1948.
- "International Trade and the Equalisation of Factor Prices", 1948, EJ.
- "International Factor-Price Equalisation Once Again", 1949, EJ.
- "The Problem of Integrability in Utility Theory", 1950, Economica.
- "Probability and the Attempts to Measure Utility", 1950, Economic Review.
- "Evaluation of Real National Income", 1950, Oxford EP.
- "Abstract of a Theorem Concerning Substitutability in Open Leontief Models",
1951, in Koopmans, editor, Activity Analysis of Production and Allocation.
- "Economic
Theory and Mathematics: An appraisal", 1952, AER [cwls]
- "Spatial Price Equilibrium and Linear Programming", 1952, AER.
- "Prices of Factors and Goods in General Equilibrium", 1953, RES.
- "Consumption Theorems in Terms of Overcompensation Rather than Indifference
Comparisons", 1953, Economica.
- "Balanced Growth under Constant Returns to Scale", with R.M. Solow, 1953, Econometrica.
- "Utility, Preference and Probability", 1953, Econometrie.
- "The Pure Theory of Public Expenditure", 1954, REStat. [pdf]
- "Diagrammatic Exposition of a Theory of Public Expenditure", 1954, REStat.
- "Social Indifference Curves", 1956, QJE.
- "A Complete Capital Model Involving Heterogeneous Capital Goods", with R.M. Solow, 1956, QJE.
- "Wages and Interest: A modern dissection of Marxian economic models", 1957, AER.
- "An Exact Consumption-Loan Model of Interest with or without the Contrivance of
Money", 1958, JPE.
- Linear Programming and Economic Analysis with R.Dorfman and R.M. Solow, 1958.
- "Aspects of Public Expenditure Theory", 1958, REStat.
- "Reply to Lerner", 1959, JPE
- "Analytical Aspects of Anti-Inflation Policy", with R.M. Solow,
1960, AER.
- "Efficient Programs of Capital Accumulation in Terms of the Calculus of
Variations", 1960, in Arrow, Karlin and Suppes, editors, Mathematical Models in
Social Science.
- "Parable and Realism in Capital Theory: The surrogate production function",
1962, RES.
- "Risk and Uncertainty: A fallacy of large numbers", 1963, Scientia
- "Proof that Properly Anticipated Prices Fluctuate Randomly", 1965, Industrial
Management Review.
- "Rational Theory of Warrant Pricing", 1965, Industrial Management Review.
- "A Theory of Induced Innovation along Kennedy-Weizsacker Lines", 1965, REStat.
- "Using Full Duality to Show that Simultaneously Additive Direct and Indirect
Utilities Implies Unitary Price Elasticity of Demand", 1965, Econometrica.
- "A Catenary Turnpike Theorem Involving Consumption and the Golden Rule", 1965,
- "Economic Forecasting and Science", 1965, Michigan Quarterly
Rev (extracts)
- "The Non-Switching Theorem is False, with D.Levhari, 1966, QJE.
- "A Summing Up", 1966, QJE.
- "The Pasinetti Paradox in Neoclassical and More General
Models", with F. Modigliani, 1966, RES.
- Collected Scientific Papers, five volumes,1966-86.
- "The Monopolistic Competition Revolution", 1967, in R.E. Kuenne, editor,
Monpolistic competition, studies in impact: Essays in honor of Edward H.
- "General Proof that Diversification Pays", 1967, J of Finance and
Quantitative Analysis.
- "What Classical and Neoclassical Monetary Theory Really Was", 1968, Canadian
- "Lifetime Portfolio Selection by Dynamic Stochastic Programming", 1969, REStat.
- "The Fundamental Approximation Theorem of Portfolio Analysis in Terms of Means,
Variances and Higher Moments", 1970, RES.
- "Understanding the Marxian Notion of Exploitation: A summary of the so-called
transformation problem between Marxian values and competitive prices", 1971, JEL.
- "An exact Hume-Ricardo-Marshall model of international trade", 1971,
- "Unification Theorem for the Two Basic Dualities of Homothetic Demand Theory",
1972, Proceedings of NAS.
- "Maximum Principles in Analytical Economics", 1972, AER.
- "International Trade for a Rich Country," lecture before the
Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce, New York City, May 10, 1972.
- "Is the Rent-Collector Worthy of His Full Hire?", 1974, EEJ [pdf]
- "Marx as a Mathematical economist", 1974, in Horwich and Samuelson, editors, Trade,
Stability and Macroeconomics.
- "Complementarity: An essay on the 40th Anniversary of the Hicks-Allen Revolution in
Demand Theory", 1974, JEL.
- "Remembrances of Frisch", 1974, Europ ER
- "The Transformation of Values: What Marx'really' meant: rejoinder:
Merlin Unclothed, a final word", 1974, JEL
- "Fallacy of the log-normal approximation to optimal portfolio
decision-making over many periods", with R.C. Merton,
1974, J of Financial Econ
- "Lessons from the Current Economic Expansion", 1974, AER
- "Optimum Social Security in a Life-Cycle Growth Model", 1975, IER
- "Steady-State and Transient Relations: A Reply on Reswitching", 1975,
- The Balanced-Budget Multiplier: A case study in the sociology and
psychology of scientific discovery", 1975, HOPE
- "Trade Pattern Reversals in Time-Phased Ricardian Systems of
Intertemporal Efficiency", 1975, JIE
- "The Optimum Growth Rate of Population", 1975, IER
- "Seymour Harris as a Political Economist", 1976, REStat
- "Optimality of Sluggist Predictors under Ergodic Probabilities", 1976,
- "Limited Liability, Short Selling, Bounded Utility, and
Infinite-Variance Stable Distributions", 1976, J of Finance and
Quantitative Analysis
- "Is Real-World Price a Tale Told by the Idiot of Chance?", 1976, RES
- "Alvin Hansen as a Creative Economic Theorist", 1976, QJE
- "St. Petersburg Paradoxes: Defanged, dissected and historically
described", 1977, JEL
- "Correcting the Ricardo Error Spotted in Harry Johnson's Maiden Paper",
1977, QJE
- "Reaffirming the Existence of 'Reasonable' Bergson-Samuelson Social
Welfare Functions", 1977, Economica
- "The Canonical Classical Model of Political Economy", 1978, JEL.
- "Comparative Advantage, Trade, and Payments in a Ricardian Model with a
Continuum of Goods" with R. Dornbusch and S.
Fischer, 1978, AER
- "Free trade's intertemporal Pareto-optimality", 1978, JIE
- "Mazimizing and Biology", 1978, Econ Inquiry
- "Interest rate equalization and nonequalization by trade in
Leontief-Sraffa models", 1978, JIE
- "Paul Douglas's Measurement of Production Functions and Marginal
Productivities", 1979, JPE
- "Noise and Signal in Debates among Classical Economists: A reply:, 1980,
- "Hecksher-Ohlin Trade Theory with a Continuum of Goods" with R.
Dornbusch and S. Fischer,
1980, QJE
- "Bertil Ohlin 1899-1979", 1981, Scand JE
- "Thunen at Two Hundred", 1983, JEL
- "1983: Marx, Keynes and Schumpeter", 1983, EEJ [pdf]
- "Unattainability of Integrability and Definiteness Conditions in the
General Case of Demand for Money and Goods" with R. Sato, 1984, AER
- "Second Thoughts on Analytical Income Comparisons", 1984, EJ
- "Thermodynamic theory as mathematical economics could have discovered
it", 1985, Mathem Soc Sciences
- "Modes of Thought in Economics and Biologiy", 1985, AER
- "Theory of Optimal Taxation", 1986, JPubE
- "L'économie mondiale à la fin du siècle", 1986, Revue française
d'économie [pers]
- "Out of the Closet: A program for the Whig history of economic science",
1987, JHET
- "Sraffian Economics", 1987, in J. Eatwell, M.Milgate and P. Newman,
editors, New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
- "Keeping Whig History Honest", 1988, JHET
- "The Keynes-Hansen-Samuelson multiplier-accelerator model of secular
stagnation", 1988, Japan and World Economy
- "How a certain internal consistency entails the expected utility dogma",
1988, J of Risk & Unc
- "The Passing of the Guard in Economics", 1988, EEJ [pdf]
- "Robert Solow: An Affectionate Portrait", 1989, JEP [aea]
- "Ricardo was Right!", 1989, Scand JE.
- "The Long Term Case for Equities", 1989, J of Portfolio Mgmt
- "Revisionist Findings on Sraffa", 1989, in K. Bharadwaj and B. Schefold,
editors, Essays in Honor of Piero Sraffa [2000 reprint
- "A Revisionist view of von Neumann's growth models" 1989, in M. Dore, S.
Chakravarty and R Goodwin, editors, John von Neumann and Modern Economics
- "Extirpating Error Contamination Concerning the Post-Keynesian Anti-Pasinetti
Equilibrium", 1991, Oxford EP
- "Sraffa's Other Leg", 1991, EJ
- "Leontief's 'the economy as a circular flow': An introduction", 1991,
- "On the Historiography of Economics: A Correspondence" with Don
Patinkin and Mark Blaug, 1991, JHET
- "Factor-Price Equalization by Trade in Joint and Non-joint Production",
1992, Rev Int Econ
- "Marx on Rent: A failure to transform correctly", 1992, JHET
- "The Capital Asset Pricing Model with Diverse Holding Periods" with Haim
Levy, 1992, Manag Science
- "Graduated Income Taxation, Which Reduces Inequality, Leaves Pareto's
Coefficient Invariant: A Pseudo-paradox That Debunks Pareto's Coefficient",
1992, JEP
- ""Altruism as a Problem Involving Group versus Individual Selection in
Economics and Biology", 1993, AER
- "Gustav Cassel's Scientific Innovations: Claims and Realities", 1993,
- "Two Classics: Böhm-Bawerk's Positive Theory and Fisher's Rate of
Interest Through Modern Prisms", 1994, JHET
- "Richard Kahn: His Welfare Economics and Lifetime Achievement", 1994,
- "Facets of Balassa-Samuelson Thirty Years Later", 1994, Rev Int Ec
- "The To-Be-Expected Angst Created for Economists by Mathematics", 1994,
EEJ [pdf]
- "The Classical Classical Fallacy", 1994, JEL
- "How can monetary policy be improved? Discussion" Boston FRB [pdf]
- "Some Uneasiness with the Coase Theorem", 1995, Japan and World Econ
- "Reminiscences of Dudley Dillard",1995, EJ [pdf]
- "Gottfried Haberler, 1900-1995", 1996, EJ
- "Credo of a Lucky Textbook Author", 1997, JEP [pdf]
- "How Foundations Came to Be", 1998, JEL
- "Report Card on Sraffa at 100", 1998, EJHET
- "Summing up on Business Cycles", 1998, FRB Boston [pdf]
- "Our
Wassily: W.W. Leontief (1905-1999)" [draft
- "Sraffa's Hits and Misses", 2000, in H. Kurz, editor, Critical Essays
on Piero Sraffa's Legacy in Economics [pdf]
- "Economic History and Mainstream Economic Analysis", 2001, Rivista di
storia economica
- "A Modern Post-Mortem on Böhm's Capital Theory: Its vital normative flaw
shared by Presraffian mainstream capital theory", 2001, JHET
- "On just how great 'great books' are", 2001, EJHET
- "Is there life after a Nobel coronation?", 2002 [nbl]
- "A Ricardo-Sraffa Paradigm Comparing Gains from Trade in Inputs and
Finished Goods", 2001, JEL
- "How I Became an Economist", 2003 [nbl]
- "Reflections on the Schumpeter I knew well", 2003, J Evol Econ
- "Where Ricardo and Mill Rebut and Confirm Arguments of Mainstream
Economists Supporting Globalization", 2004, JEP [aea]
- "Abram Bergson, Economist", 2005, EJ
- "An Elizabethan Age for Pure Trade Theory: 1925-55", 2005, Rev Int Ec
- "Franco: A mind never at rest", 2005, BNLQR [psl]
- (Editor, with W.A. Barnett) Inside the Economist’s Mind: The history
of modern economic thought, as explained by those who produced it [intro
- "A few remembrances of Friedrich von Hayek (1899-1992)", 2009, JEBO