Leonard J. Savage, 1917-1971

American mathematician and statistician, Leonard Jimmie Savage is best known
for his theory of subjective probability and expected utility theory.
Major Works of Leonard J. Savage
- "The Utility Analysis of Choices Involving Risk", with M. Friedman, 1948, JPE
- "The Theory of Statistical Decision", 1951, JASA
- "The Expected-Utility Hypothesis and the Measurability of Utility", with M. Friedman, 1952, JPE
- The Foundations of Statistics, 1954. [2nd ed. 1972]
- "Symmetric Measures on Cartesian Products", with E. Hewitt, 1955, Transactions
of AMS
- "Recent Tendencies in the Foundations of Statistics", 1958, address to
- "Foundations of Statistics Reconsidered", 1961, Proc. 4th Berkeley
Symposium [pdf]
- Inequalities for Stochastic Processes with L.E. Dubins, 1965.
- "Elicitation of Personal Probabilities and Expectations", 1971, JASA
- "The Shifting Foundations of Statistics", 1977, in Colodny, editor, Logic,
Laws and Life
Resources on Leonard J. Savage
Savage page at McTutor
- "From Wald to Savage: homo economicus becomes a Bayesian statistician"
by N. Giocoli, 2011 [pdf]
- "Leonard Savage's Mathematical Theory of Decision" by D. Surowik, 2002 [pdf]
- "Probabilistic versus non-probabilistic decision making: Savage, Shackle
and beyond" by Marcello Basili and Carlo Zappia, 2003 [pdf]
- "Shackle versus Savage: Non-probabilistic alternatives to subjective
probability theory in the 1950s", by Carlo Zappia and Marcello Basili 2005 [pdf]
- Savage award at
Intl Soc for Bayesian Analysis
- Wikipedia
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