Menachem E. Yaari, 1935-

Israeli mathematical economist, with significant contributions to
uncertainty theory and growth theory.
Major Works of Menachem Yaari
- "On the Existence of an Optimal Plan in a Continuous-Time Allocation
Process", 1964, Econometrica [cwls]
- "On the Consumer's Lifetime Allocation
Process", 1964, IER [cwls]
- "Convexity in the Theory of Choice Under
Risk", 1965, QJE [cws]
- "Uncertain Lifetime, Life Insurance and the Theory of the Consumer", 1965, RES
- "A Re-Examination of the Pure Consumption Loans Model", with D. Cass, 1966, JPE
- "Individual Saving, Aggregate Capital Accumulation and Efficient Growth", with
D. Cass, 1967, in Shell, editor, Essays on the Theory of Optimal
Economic Growth [cwls]
- "Some Measures of Risk Aversion and Their Uses", 1969, JET
- "Neoclassical Growth with Fixed Factor Proportions", with
J. Tobin, R.M. Solow and C.C. von
Weizsacker 1966, RES. [cwls]
- "Markets with Countably Many Commodities", with B. Peleg,
1970, IER
- "On the Existence of a Consistent Course of Action when Tastes are Changing"
with B. Peleg, 1973, RES
- "On the Role of 'Dutch Books' in the Theory of Choice Under Risk" 1985, Nancy
Shwartz Memorial Lecture
Resources on Menachem Yaari
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