______________________________________ Latter-Day PamphletsbyThomas Carlyle(1850)______________________________________ Thomas Carlyle's Latter-Day Pamphlets were first published in 1850 in London by Chapman and Hall. [Note on HET version: Text for the first five pamphlets were originally scanned by Ron Burkey while the scanning of pamphlet no.7 was originally undertaken by George P. Landow of Victorian Web. These scans have been adapted and modified by the Editors of the HET Website, and checked against an original 1850 copy of the book. Page numbers in bold square brackets, e.g. [p.186] denote the beginning of the respective page in the original 1950 book. Page numbers in normal brackets, e.g. (p.181), were inserted by Carlyle himself. Where possible, formatting is left intact as in the original, with the exception of section breaks. Footnotes are collected at the bottom. Greek text has been transliterated into English and flagged with notation [Gr.] As far as we know, this essay is in the public domain. You are free to make use of this electronic version in any way you wish, except for commercial purposes, without asking permission. All comments and corrections of this text are encouraged and can be addressed to HET contact . An original facsimile version is now available at Archive.org [av]]