Breve trattato
Antonio Serra (1613)
Note on the HET Edition of Antonio Serra's Breve

This is an electronic version of the
Antonio Serra's
famous treatise, Breve Trattato delle Cause
che possono fare abbondare li Regni d'Oro e d'Artgento dove non sono Miniere,
first written in 1613, one of the great classics of
Mercantilist thought.
We did not scan this edition in, and so are not certain exactly
which edition this is, nor where pages begin and pages end. We can not
vouch for its accuracy or its faithfulness to the original, so use at your own
A transcription of this text was found at Wikisource,
at this address.
We are not sure who transcribed it or the edition they used. We have followed a
couple of hints and attempted to contact those we believe might have been the
original transcribers, but have not yet received a response.
Since the Wikisource version was the only copy of this highly important work
we could find online, we were rather nervous that it might suddenly disappear in
the netherworlds of cyberspace, and so took the liberty of making a duplicate
copy of it here. Again, we hope it is correct, but haven't yet had the
chance to compare it with an original hard copy.
If the original transcriber comes across this, we would like to request
that he/she contact us at, not only to confirm our usage of the text and the
edition used, but also to allow us to credit him/her for the hard work.