Luigi Amoroso, 1886-1965

Neapolitan-born Italian mathematician, Lausanne
School economist and professor of political economy at the University of
Rome. A faithful follower of Vilfredo Pareto,
Amoroso made important contributions to the theory of demand with non-additive utility functions.
He also attempted to extend the Lausanne theory to a general
theory of dynamics, indeed so far as to underpin a theory of endogenous
business cycles. He was one of the founders of the Econometric
In later years, Amoroso embraced Fascism and attempted to provide an
economic rationale for the Fascist reorganization of the economy.
Major Works of Luigi Amoroso
- "Paretaio e spirito paretiano", 1912, GdE
- "La distribuzione della richezza come fenomeno di diffusione",
1912, GdE
- "La economia italiana nel 1921", 1922, GdE [av]
- Lezioni di Economia Matematica, 1921.
- 1928, Annali de Economia
- "Contributo all teoria matematica della dinamica economica",1932,
in Demaria, editor, Nuova collana di economisti
- La dinamica dei prezzi, 1933
- "La dynamique de la circulation", 1935, Econometrica
- Principii di Economia Corporativa, 1938.
- Meccanica Economica, 1942.
- Economia di mercato, 1949.
Resources on de Luigi Amoroso
- "Review of Amoroso's Lezioni", by F.Y.
Edgeworth, 1922, EJ [gb]
- "Luigi
Amoroso" in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, 1988
- "Luigi Amoroso (1886–1965): Mathematical Economist, Italian
Corporatist", by Jan Horst Keppler (1994), HOPE
- "Consumer Theory and Axiomatics: A Note on an Early Contribution by
Luigi Amoroso" by Antonio Guccione Monroy and Enrico Minelli, 1999, HOPE
- Wiki
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