Profile Major Works Resources


Not a prolific, long-lived author who wrote a myriad of tracts in the course of several centuries. Just a list of major unsigned works in the history of economics, whose authors have not yet been established. (some tentative attributions)



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Major Works of Anonymous


  • Polices to reduce this Realme of Englande into a prosperus wealthe and estate, 1549
  • Memorandum prepared for the royal commission on the exchanges, 1564
  • A Discourse of Corporations and intollerable injuries and dignities, which are offered to his Majesties subjects in the goverment of theise bodies politique were contrarie to all policie and judgment, c.1587


  • A Discourse consisting of Motives for the Enlargement and Freedome of Trade especially that of Cloth and other Woollen Manufactures, 1645 [by a Company of Private Men who stile themselves Merchant Adventurers].


  • A True Relation of the Rise and Progress of the East-India Company, shweing how their Manufactures have been, are, and will be prejudicial to the Manufactures of England; and whatEndeavours have been used for and against any Restriction. Together with some Remarks thereon, [ reprint. in 1748 A Collection of scarce and valuable tracts, v.4] (no date)
  • A View of the Greenland Trade and Whale-Fishery. With the National and Private Advantages therof, 1662, Henry Elking [reprint in 1748 A Collection of scarce and valuable tracts, v.4]
  • Omnia comesta a bello. Or, an Answer out of the West to a Question out of the North, 1667
  • Et à dracone: or, some reflections upon a discourse called Omnia à belo comesta, 1668
  • Interest of Money Mistaken, Or, A Treatise Proving that the Abatement of Interest is the Effect and Not the Cause of the Riches of a Nation: And that Six Per Cent is a Proportionable Interest to the Present Condition of this Kingdom 1668 [attrib. by Cassel (1903) to Thomas Manley?] - Copy
  • A Treatise of Wool and Cattel, In a Letter Written to a Friend, Occasion'd Upon a Discourse Concerning the Great Abatements of Rents and Low Value of Lands : Wherein is Shewed how Their Worth and Value May be Advanced by the Improvement of the Manufacture of Our English Wool, and the Spending of, &c., 1677 [attrib to George Clarke?] - copy
  • Reasons for a Limited Exportation of Wooll, and in opposition to the principle of prohibiting the exportation of wool., 1677 - copy
  • The Ancient Trades Decayed, Repaired Again, Wherein are Declared the Several Abuses that Have Utterly Impaired All the Ancient Trades in the Kingdom : with Many Proposals Humbly Offered how the Same May be Repaired Again : with Some Reason Shewing the Necessity Thereof, 1678 [by "Countrey trades-man"] - copy
  • Englands Interest or the great benefit to trade by banks or offices of credit in London, &c., 1682 [attrib. to Robert Verney?] - copy
  • Several Objections Sometimes Made Against the Office of Credit Fully Answered, c.1682. [attrib. to Hugh Chamberlen?] - copy
  • Taxes No Charge: In a Letter from a Gentleman, to a Person of Quality, Shewing the Nature, Use, and Benefit of Taxes in this Kingdom, and Compared with the Impositions of Foreign States : Together with Their Improvement of Trade in Time of War, 1690 [attrib. to Daniel DeFoe?] - copy
  • The linnen and woollen manufactory discoursed, with the nature of companies and trade, 1691, reprinted in J. Smith, Chronicon rusticum-commercial, 1747 - copy
  • A Discourse Concerning the East-India Trade, c.1692, as reprinted in Somer's Tracts, 1813.
  • An Essay upon Taxes, Calculated for the Present Juncture of Affairs in England, 1693, Marquis of Halifax  [reprint in 1748 A Collection of scarce and valuable tracts, v.4]
  • A Discourse of the Nature, Use and Advantages of Trade : Proposing some considerations for the promotion and advancement thereof, by a registry of lands. Preventing the exportation of coyn. Lowering the interest of money. Inviting foreign families into England, 1693 [attrib. to Josiah Child? -  copy]
  • The Interest of England Considered in an Essay Upon Wooll, Our Woollen Manufactures, and the Improvement of Trade: With Some Remarks Upon the Conceptions of Sir Josiah Child, 1694 [attrib. to John Blanch or James Puckle ?] - copy
  • An Essay Towards Carrying on the Present War Against France and Other Publick Occasions: As Also for Paying Off All Debts Contracted in the Same, Or Otherwise : and New-coyning of All Our Moneys, Without Charge to the Great Encrease of the Honour, Strength and Wealth of the Nation, 1697 [attrib. to  John Blackwell? or William Keith? 1729?] - copy
  • England's Advocate, Europe's Monitor: Being an Intreaty for Help in Behalf of the English Silk-weavers and Silk-throsters : Shewing Their Misery, and the Cause Thereof, and what Will Only Cure Both Them and the Evils England's Trade Groans Under, and Other English Manufacturers, from the Like, 1699, [by A.N.] - copy
  • Et à dracone: or, some reflections upon a discourse called Omnia à belo comesta, 1668.
  • Interest of money mistaken, 1668.
  • A treatise of wool and cattel, 1677.
  • Reasons for a limited exportation of wooll, n.p., 1677.
  • The ancient trades decayed, repaired again, 1678.
  • Englands interest or the great benefit to trade by banks or offices of credit, 1682.
  • Several objections sometimes made against the office of credit, fully answered, n.p., n.d., (ca. 1682).
  • Taxes no charge: in a letter from a gentleman, to a person of quality, 1690.
  • The linen and woolen manufactory discoursed, [1691], in John Smith, Chronicon rusticum-commercial, 1747, I, 383–88.
  • A discourse concerning the East-India trade, [ca. 1692], in somers' tracts, 2d ed., X (1813), 634–47.
  • A discourse of the nature, use and advantages of trade, 1693.
  • The interest of England considered: in an essay upon wooll, 1694.
  • An essay towards carrying on the present war against France, [ca. 1697], in The Harleian miscellany, X (1810), 371–89.
  • N., A., England's advocate, Europe's monitor, 1699.


  • The Circumstances of Scotland Consider'd, with Respect to the Present Scarcity of Money: Together with Some Proposals for Supplying the Defect Thereof, and Rectifying the Ballance of Trade, 1705. [attrib. to John Clerk?] - copy
  • Remarks Upon the Bank of England: With Regard More Especially to Our Trade and Government. Occasion'd by the Present Discourse Concerning the Intended Prolongation of the Bank, 1705, [ By a Merchant of London, and a True Lover of Our Constitution][attrib. to John Broughton? or Charles Davenant?] - copy
  • Reasons Offer'd Against the Continuance of the Bank: In a Letter to a Member of Parliament, 1707 [attrib. to Joseph Addison?] - copy
  • Some Queries, Humbly Offer'd to the Consideration of Both Houses of Parliament, Relating to the Bank of England, 1707 [by A True Admirer or the Queen] - copy
  • A Short View of the Apparent Dangers and Mischiefs from the Bank of England: More Particularly Address'd to the Country Gentlemen, 1707 - copy
  • The Vindication and Advancement of Our National Constitution and Credit: Attempted in Several Tracts, 1710 [attrib. to John Broughton? or Charles Davenant?] - copy
  • The taxes not grievous, and therefore not a reason for an unsafe peace, 1712
  • Torism and trade can never agree, c.1713
  • The British Merchant, 1713. [3rd ed., 1748]

To sort:

  • A brief state of the question between the printed and painted calicoes, and the woolen and silk manufacture, 2d ed., 1719.
  • Considerations occasioned by the bill for enabling the South Sea Company to increase their capital stock, 1720.
  • Some thoughts on the interest of money in general, and particularly in the publick funds, n.d. (ca.1720).
  • Proposals for restoring credit; for making the Bank of England more useful and profitable, 1721.
  • Some considerations on the nature and importance of the East-India trade, 1728.
  • An enquiry into the melancholy circumstances of Great Britain, n.d.(ca 1730).
  • The present state of Ireland consider'd, Lonodn reprint, 1730.
  • Reflections and considerations occasioned by the petition ... for taking off the drawback on foreign linens, &c., 1738.
  • “On the neglect of trade and manufactures,” Scots magazine, II (1740), 475–77.
  • A letter to the ... Lords Commissioners of trade and platations, wherein the grand concern of trade is asserted, 1747.
  • The manufacturer's plea for the bounty on corn at exportation, 1754.
  • An inquiry concerning the trade, commerce, and policy of Jamaica, relative to the scarcity of money, Jamaica, 1759.
  • “Imparatial essay concerning the nature and use of specie and paper-credit in any country,” Scots magazine, XXIV (1762), 133–35.
  • “Considerations relating to the late order of the two banks,” Scots magazine, XXIV (1762), 39–41, 89–94.



  • Sketches on Political Economy, illustrative of the interests of Great Britain: intended as a reply to Mr. Mill's pamphlet Commerce Defended, with an exposition of some leading tenets of the Economists, 1809 (proto-marginalist work first discovered by Seligman (1903); attributed by some to Granville Sharp; we attribute it more probably to Scottish-Irish writer Walter Thom)
  • The Source and Remedy of the National Difficulties, 1821 (a Ricardian socialist)
  • "Review of W.S. Jevons's Theory of Political Economy", Saturday Review, 11 November 1871, p.624-5. (Criticized incomplete treatment of competition in Jevons's TPE)




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Resources on Anonymous


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