Leonid Vitalievich Kantorovich, 1912-1986

Soviet planning economist and
mathematician at Leningrad.
Kantorovich shared the Nobel Memorial prize in 1975 with his co-developer in linear programming across the ideological
divide of the Cold War - T.C. Koopmans.
Major Works of Leonid Kantorovich
- "Mathematical Methods of Organising and Planning Production", 1939 (repr. in Management
Science, 1960).
- "Further Development of Mathematical Methods and Prospects of their Application in
Economic Planning", 1959, in Nemchimov, editor, The Use of Mathematics in
- The Best Use of Economic Resources, 1959
- Functional Analysis, with G.P. Akilov, 1959
- Mathematicheskoe optimal'noe programmivoranie v ekonomike, with A.V. Gortstko,
- Optimal'nye resheniia v ekonomike, with A.V. Gortsko, 1972
- "Economic Problems of Scientific and Technical Progress", 1976, Scand JE
- Essays on Optimal Planning, 1976.
- "Moi put'v nauke", 1987, Uspechi matematicheskich nauk
- "Mathematics in Economics: Achievements, difficulties, perspectives", 1989, AER
- "Problemy effektivnogo ispol'zovaniia i razvitiia transporta, 1989
Resources on Leonid Kantorovich
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