Major Works of Dionysius Lardner
- A Series of Lectures upon Locke's Essay, 1821 [bk]
A System of Algebraic Geometry, 1823,
- An Elementary treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus,
1825 [bk]
Popular Lectures on the Steam Engine, [1828
ed, 1830
ed; 1832
- An Analytical Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, and the
analysis of angular sections, 1828 [bk]
A Letter to the Shareholders and Council of the University of London,
on the Present State of that Institution, with J.R.
McCulloch, A. De
Morgan, etc., 1830 [bk]
"Observations of Dion. Lardner", in Observations on a letter
addressed by Leonard Horner, esq., to the Council of the University,
dated June 1, 1830,
- Editor, The Cabinet Cyclopaedia, 1830-41 (155 volumes (cat),
only Lardner's listed below)
- v.5 - Treatise on Mechanics, by D. Lardner and H. Kater, 1830 [bk]
- v.17 - Hydrostatics and Pneumatics, by Lardner, 1831 [bk]
- v.29 - A Treatise on Heat, by Lardner, 1833 [bk]
- v.55 - A Treatise on Arithmetic, practical and theoretical,
by Lardner, 1834 [bk]
- v.127 - A Treatise on Geometry and its Applications in the Arts, by Lardner, 1840
Treatise on Algebraic Geometry, 1831 [bk]
Hand-books of
Natural philosophy and Astronomy
- First Course - Mechanics, Hydraulics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, Sound and
- Second Course - Heat, Magnetism, Electricity, 1852 [bk]
- Third Course - Meteorology and Astronomy, 1853 [bk]
- v.1 - Mechanics, 1855 [bk]
- v.2 - Hydrostatics, Pneumatics and Heat, 1855 [bk]
- v.3 - Optics, 1856 [bk]
- v. 4 - Electricity, Magnetism and Acoustics, 1858 [bk]
Steam Engine Familiarly Explained and Illustrated, 1836 [bk] [moa]
ed], [1851
Steam Communication with India by the Red Sea, 1837 [bk]
Reports on the determination of the mean value of railway
constants, with E. Woods, 1841 [bk]
(Report of the BAAS)
Course of Lectures delivered by Dionyius Lardner on the sun, the
comets, the fixed stars, electricity, etc. 1842 [bk]
The Second Course of Dr. Lardner's Lectures, 1842 [bk]
Popular Lectures on Science and Art, delivered in the principal
cities and towns of the United States, 1846
v.2 [moa]
Investigation of the causes of the explosion of the locomotive
engine "Richmond," near Reading, PA., on the 2d Sept. 1844, 1844 [bk]
A Rudimentary Treatise on the Steam Engine, for the use of
beginners 1848 [bk]
Economy; a treatise on the new art of transport, its management, prospects
and relations, commercial, financial and social, with an exposition of
the practical results of the railways in operation in the United
Kingdom, on the continent and in America. 1850 [bk]
Editor, The Museum of Science and Art, 1854:,
v.3 (transport),
v.4, 1855:
v.5 (steam engine)
Common Things Explained, 1855 [bk]
Popular Physics, 1856 [bk]
Steam and its Uses, 1856 [bk]
Natural Philosophy for Schools, 1857 [bk]