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Ugo Mazzola, 1863-1899

Portrait of Ugo Mazzola

The Neapolitan-born Ugo Mazzola was a promising young professor of  public finance and economics at the University of Pavia, and editor of the Giornale degli economisti, before his untimely death.  

In the Italian "Fiscalist" school tradition, Mazzola was a proponent of the view of the State as a "co-operative firm", producing services and charging for them through taxes.   In a modern "welfarist" sense, Mazzola refused to distinguish strictly between  market and government spheres of activity, seeing both as having their roles in promoting general welfare. 

Mazzola is generally regarded as the first to identify the phenomenon of "public goods".  He discussed at length the associated problems of private provision and the role for State provision.  He illustrated much of his work with perceptive observations drawn from the Bismarckian welfare state in Germany



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Major Works of Ugo Mazzola

  • Il progetto di legge sulla responsabilità civile dei padroni, 1885 [bk]
  • L'assicurazione degli operai nella scienza e nella legislazione Germanica, 1886 [bk].
  • Il fondamento scientifico dell'economia dello stato, 1888
  • Sul riordinamento degli studii giuridici in Italia, 1889 [bk]
  • I dati scientifici della finanza pubblica, 1890 [bk]
  • L'Impostat progressiva in economia pura sociale, 1895 [bk]
  • La colonizzazione interna in prussia, 1900. [bk]



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Resources on de Ugo Mazzola

  • "Review of Mazzola's L'assicurazoine", by Augusto Graziani,1886, GdE (May)  p.375
  • "La Morte di Ugo Mazzola", by Maffeo Pantaleoni, 1899,  Giornale degli economisti [p.189]
  • Mazzola at


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