Major Works of James A. Mirrlees
- "A New Model of Economic Growth", with N. Kaldor,
1962, RES
- "Optimum Growth When Technology is Changing", 1967, RES
- "The Dynamic Nonsubstitution Theorem", 1969, RES
- "The Evaluation of National Income in an Imperfect Economy", 1969, Pak Dev
- "Optimal Taxation and Public Production", with P.A. Diamond,
1971, AER
- "An Exploration in the Theory of Optimal Income Taxation", 1971, RES
- "On Producer Taxation", 1972, RES
- "Agreeable Plans", with P.J. Hammond, 1973, in Mirrlees and Stern, editors, Models
of Economic Growth
- "Aggregate Production with Consumption Externalities",with P.A. Diamond, 1973, QJE
- Project Appraisal and Planning for Developing Countries, with I.M.D. Little, 1974
- "Optimal Accumulation under Uncertainty: the Case of Stationary Returns to
Investment", 1974, Dreze, editor Allocation under Uncertainty
- "Notes on Welfare Economics, Information and Uncertainty", 1974, in Balch et
al., editors, Essays in Equilibrium Behavior under Uncertainty
- "Optimal Taxation in a Two-Class Economy", 1975, JPubE
- "Optimum Saving with Economies of Scale", with A.K. Dixit
and N.H. Stern, 1975, RES
- "A Pure Theory of Underdeveloped Economies using a Relationship between Consumption
and Productivity", 1975, in Reynolds, editor, Agriculture in Development Theory
- "Optimal Tax Theory: A synthesis", 1976, JPubE
- "Private Constant Returns and Public Shadow Prices" with P.A. Diamond, 1976, RES
- "A Model of Social Insurance with Retirement", with P.A. Diamond,
1977, JPubE
- "The Economic Uses of Utilitarianism", 1982, in Sen and Williams, editor, Utilitarianism
and Beyond
- "Optimal Foreign-income taxation", 1982, JPubE
- "The Theory of Optimal Taxation", 1986, in Arrow and Intriligator, Handbook
of Mathematical Economics, Vol. III.
- "Payroll-tax financed social insurance with variable retirement"with P.A. Diamond, 1986, Scand JE
- "Taxing Uncertain Incomes", 1990,Oxford EP
- "Optimal Taxation of Identical Consumers when markets are incomplete", with
P.A. Diamond, 1992, in Dasgupta et al, editors, Economic
Analysis of Markets and Games