Ian Malcolm David Little, 1918-2012
I.M.D. Little was an RAF officer during WWII, and went on to complete
his studies at Oxford, receiving his
B.A. in 1947 and his Ph.D in 1949.
I.M.D. Little's exploded on to the economics scene with his widely-diffused 1950 tract, A Critique of Welfare Economics.
In it, Little tore apart
the welfare theories of Hicks and Kaldor and, in a way, paved the
way for rise of social choice theory. This Oxford philosopher-turned-economist
subsequently moved on to development economics in the
latter phases of his career.
Little was a fellow of Nuffield College,
Oxford from 1952, with only brief
Major Works of Ian M.D. Little
- "A Reformulation of the Theory of Consumers' Behavior", 1949, Oxford EP
- "Welfare and Tariffs", 1949, RES
- "A Note on the Interpretation of Index Numbers", 1949, Economica.
- "The Valuation of Social Income", 1949, Economica
- "The Foundations of Welfare Economics", 1949, Oxford EP
- A Critique of Welfare Economics, 1950.
- "Direct Versus Indirect Taxes", 1951, EJ
- "Social Choice and Individual Values", 1952, JPE
- The Price of Fuel, 1953.
- "The Real Cost of Labour and the Choice Between Consumption and Investment",
1961, QJE
- "Higgledy-Piggledy Growth", 1962, Bulletin of Oxford Institute of
- International Aid with J.M. Clifford, 1965.
- Industry and Trade in Some Developing Countries, with T. Scitovsky
and M.F.G. Scott, 1970.
- Project Appraisal and Planning for Developing Countries, with J.A. Mirrlees, 1974
- Economic Development, 1982
- Small Manufacturing Enterprises, with D. Mazumpar and J.M. Page, 1987
Resources on I.M.D. Little
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