Major Works of Mordecai Kurz
- "A Two Sector Extension of Swan's Model of Economic Growth: the case of no
technical change", 1963, IER
- "Substitution versus Fixed Production Coefficients: A comment", Econometrica
- "Optimal Economic Growth and Wealth Effects", 1968, IER
- "The General Instability of a Class of Competitive Growth Processes", 1968, RES
- "Optimal Public Investment Policy and Controllability with Fixed Private Savings
Ration", with K.J. Arrow 1969, JET
- "Optimal Growth with Irreversible Investment in a Ramsey Model", with K.J. Arrow 1970, Econometrica
- Public Investment, the Rate of Return and Optimal Fiscal Policy, 1971, with K.J. Arrow.
- "Equilibrium with Transaction Cost and Money in a Single Market Exchange
Economy", 1974, JET
- "Equilibrium in a Finite Sequence of Markets with Transactions Cost", 1974, Econometrica
- "The Kestum-Stigum Model and the Treatment of Uncertainty in Equilibrium
Theory", 1974, in Balch et al, editors, Essays on Economic Behavior under
- "Arrow-Debreu Equilibrium of an Exchange Economy with Transaction Cost", 1974,
- "Altruistic Equilibrium", 1977, in Balassa and Nelson, editors, Economic
Progress, Private Values and Publicc Policy
- "Distortion of Preferences, Income Distribution and the Case for a Linear Income
Tax", 1977, JET
- "Power and Taxes", with R.J. Aumann, Econometrica.
- "Unemployment in an Economy with Linked Prices", 1982, JET
- "Voting for Public Goods", with R.J. Aumann and A.
Neyman, 1983, RES
- "Power and Public Goods", with R.J. Aumann and A.
Neyman, 1987, JET.
- "On Rational Belief Equilibrium", 1994, Econ Theory
- "On the Structure and Diversity of Beliefs", 1994, Econ Theory
- "Endogenous Uncertainty: Introduction", 1996, Econ Theory