Major Works of Richard R. Nelson
- "A Theory of the Low Level Equilibrium Trap in Developing Countries",
1956, AER.
- "The Simple Economics of Basic Scientific
Research" 1959, Journal of Political Economy, v.67 (3),
p.297 [pdf,
- "Aggregate Production Functions and Medium-Range Growth Projections",
1964 AER.
- "Introduction" 1962, in Nelson, editor, The Rate and Direction of
Inventive Activity: Economic and Social Factors [nber,
- "The Link Between Science and Invention: the case of the Transistor",
1962, in Nelson, editor, The Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity:[pdf]
- "Investments in Humans, Technological Diffusion and Economic Growth",
with E.S. Phelps, 1966, AER.
- "A ‘Diffusion’ Model of International Productivity Differences in
Manufacturing Industry", 1968, AER.
- Technology, Economic Growth, and Public Policy, with M.J. Peck
and E.D. Kalachek, 1968.
- "Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Economic Capabilities", with S.G.
Winter, 1973, AER.
- "Neoclassical vs. Evolutionary Theories of Economic Growth: Critique and
Prospectus", 1974, EJ.
- "In Search of Useful Theory of Innovation", with S.G. Winter, 1977,
Research Policy.
- The Moon and the Ghetto, 1977.
- "Assessing Private Enterprise: Parsimony, responsiveness,
innovativeness", 1981, Bell JE.
- "The Role of Knowledge in R&D Efficiency", 1982, QJE.
- An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change, with Sidney G. Winter,
- High Technology Policies: A five nation comparison, 1984
- "Appropriating the returns from industrial research and development"
with R.C. Levin, A.K. Klevorick and S.G. Winter, 1987, BPEA.
- "Institutions supporting technical change in the United States", 1988 in
G. Dosi, R. Nelson, R. Silverberg and L. Soete, editors, Technical Change
and Economic Theory.
- "Policy Conclusions" with L. Soete, 1988, in G. Dosi et al, Technical
Change and Economic Theory.
- "Capitalism as an Engine of Progress", 1990, Research Policy.
- "Why do Firms Differ, and How Does it Matter?", 1991, Strategic
Management Journal.
- "The Rise and Fall of American Technological Leadership", with G.
Wright, 1992, JEL.
- "Technological Innovation and National Systems", with N. Rosenberg, 1993
in Nelson, editor, National Innovation Systems: A comparative analysis.
- "A Retrospective", 1993 in Nelson, editor, National Innovation
- "On Limiting or Encouraging Rivalry in Technical Progress", with R.
Merges, 1994, JEBO.
- "American Universities and Technical Advance in Industry" with N.
Rosenberg, 1994, Research Policy.
- "The Coevolution of Technology and Institutions", 1994, Industrial
and Corporate Change.
- "Recent Evolutionary Theorizing About Economic Change", 1995, JEL.
- The Sources of Economic Growth, 1996.
- "Factors Behind Cross-Industry Differences in Technical Progress" with
E. Wolff, 1997, SCED.
- "The Agenda for Growth Theory: A Different Point of View", 1998,
Cambridge JE.
- "Introduction" with D.C. Mowery, 1999, in Mowery & Nelson, editors,
Sources of Industrial Leadership: Studies of Seven Industries.
- "The Asian Growth Miracle and Modern Growth Theory" with H. Pack, 1999,
- "Introduction" with G. Dosi and S. Winter, 2001, in The Nature and
Dynamics of Organizational Capabilities.
- "Making sense of institutions as a factor shaping economic performance"
with B.N. Sampat, 2001, JEBO.
- "Evolutionary Theorizing in Economics" with S.G. Winter, 2003, JEP
- "Richard Nelson on Sidney Winter: Origins and Factors Shaping Our Joint
Work Developing an Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change" [at
- "On the Nature and Evolution of Human Know-how", with K. Nelson, 2002,
Research Policy.
- "The Problem of Market Bias in Modern Capitalist Economies", 2002,
Research Policy.
- "On the Uneven Evolution of Human Know-how", 2003, Research Policy
- "Physical and Social Technologies and their Evoluition", 2003, Econ
- Technology, Institutions and Economic Growth, 2005.
- "Technical Change
and Industrial Dynamics as Evolutionary Processes", with G. Dosi,
2010, in B.H. Hall
and Rosenberg, N., eds., Handbook of the Economics of
Innovation v.1. Ch.3 (p.51). [2009 version:
- "An Interpretive History of Challenges to Neoclassical Microeconomics
and How They have Fared", with R. Mazzoleni (2013), Industrial and
Corporate Change.
- "Economics from an Evolutionary Perspective", 2018, in Modern
Evolutionary Economics: An Overview.