Major works of Edmund S. Phelps
- "A Test for the Presence of Cost Inflation in the United States, 1955-57",
1961, Yale Economic Esssays.
- "The Golden Rule of Accumulation: A fable for growthmen", 1961, AER.
- "The New View of Investment: A Neoclassical analysis", 1962, QJE
- "The Accumulation of Risky Capital: A Sequential Utility
Analysis", 1962, Econometrica
- "Substitution, Fixed Proportions, Growth and Distribution", 1963, IER
- Fiscal Neutrality Toward Economic Growth, 1965.
- "Second Essay on the Golden Rule of
Accumulation", 1965, AER [cwls]
- "Anticipated Inflation and Economic
Welfare", 1965, JPE [cwls]
- Golden Rules of Economic Growth, 1966.
- "Investment in Humans, Technological Diffusion, and Economic
Growth", with R.R. Nelson, 1966, AER [cwls]
- "Factor-Price-Frontier Estimation of a 'Vintage' Production Model of the Postwar United States Nonfarm
Business Sector" with C. Phelps, 1966, REStat [cwls]
- "Phillips curves, Expectations of Inflation and Optimal Unemployment Over
Time", 1967, Economica.[pdf]
- "Money-Wage Dynamics and Labor Market Equilibrium”, 1968, JPE
(another version pub. in Phelps, 1970).
- "On Second-Best National Saving and Game-Equilibrium Growth", with R.A.
Pollack, 1968, RES
- "The New Microeconomics in Inflation and Employment Theory", 1969,
AEA (another version pub. in Phelps, 1970)
- "Public Debt, Taxation and Capital Intensiveness" with Karl
Shell, 1969, JET [pdf]
- "Optimal Price Policy under Atomistic Competition" with S.G.
Winter, in Phelps et al., 1970
- Microeconomic Foundations of Employment and Inflation Theory, 1970.
- "Money, Public Debt, Inflation and Real Interest", with E.
Burmeister, 1971, JMCB.
- Inflation Policy and Unemployment Theory: The cost-benefit approach to monetary
planning, 1972.
- "Money, Public Expenditure and the Labor Supply", 1972, JET
- "The Statistical Theory of Racism and Sexism", 1972, AER
- "Taxation of Wage Income for Economic Justice", 1973, QJE
- "Inflation in a Theory of Public Finance", 1973, Swedish JE.
- Fiscal Neutrality Toward Economic Growth, 1974
- "The Indeterminacy of Game-Equilibrium Growth in the Absence of an Ethic,"
1975, in Phelps, editor, Altruism, Morality and Economic Theory
- "Linear Taxation of Wealth and Wages for Intergenerational Lifetime
Justice: Some Steady-State Cases," with J.A. Ordover, 1975, AER
- "Linear 'Maximin' Taxation of Wage and Property Income on a "Maximin' Growth
Path", 1976, in Balassa and Nelson, editors, Economic Progress, Private Values and Public
- "Social Policy and Uncertain Careers: Beyond Rawls's Paradigm Case,"
1976, in Grieson, editor, Urban and Public Economics
- "Recent Development in Welfare Economics: Justice et Equity," 1977, in
M.D. Intrillagator, editor, Frontiers of Quantitative Economics
- "Stabilizing Powers of Monetary Policy under Rational Expectations", with J.
Taylor, 1977, JPE.
- "Rawlsian Growth: Dynamic Programming of Capital Wealth for Intergeneration 'Maximin' Justice," with J.G.
Riley, 1978, RES
- "Commodity-Supply Shock and Full-Employment Monetary Policy",
1978, JMCB
- "Inflation Planning Reconsidered," 1978, Economica
- "Trans-National Effects of Fiscal Shocks in a Two-Country Model of Dynamic
Equilibrium", 1978, CROCH
- "Disinflation without Recession: Adaptive guideposts and monetary policy",
1979, WWA.
- "On the Concept of Optimal Taxation in the Overlapping-Generations Model of Economic Growth," with J.A. Ordover,
- Studies in Macroeconomic Theory, 2 vols, 1979-80.
- "Cracks on the Demand Side: A Year of Crisis in Theoretical Macroeconomics",
1982, AER
- "A Model of Non-Walrasian General Equilibrium: Its Pareto Inoptimality and Pareto Improvement," with G.A. Calvo,
1983, in Tobin, editor, Macroeconomics, Prices and Quantities.
- ."Implicit Contracts and the Social Contract" 1983, in Dornbusch and Simonson,
editors, Inflation, Debt and Indexation
- "The Trouble with Rational Expectations and the Problem of Inflation
Stabilization", 1983, in Frydman and Phelps, editors, Individual Forecasting and
Aggregate Outcomes
- Political Economy, 1985
- "Profits Theory and Profits Taxation", 1986, IMF Staff Papers
- The Slump in Europe, with J.P. Fitoussi, 1988
- "Optimum Fiscal Policy When Monetary Policy is Bound by a Rule," with K. Velupillai,
1988, in Arrow and Boskin, editors, Economics of Public Debt
- "A Working Model of Slump and Recovery from Disturbances to Capital-Goods Demand in an Open Non-Monetary
Economy", 1988, AER
- "New Channels in the Transmission of Foreign Shocks," 1989, in Calvo
et al., editors, Debt, Stabilization and Development
- Seven Schools of Macroeconomic Thought, 1990
- "The Effectiveness of Macropolicies in a Small Open-Economy Dynamic Aggregative Model,"
1991, in Brainard et al., editors, Money, Macroeconomics, and Economic
- "A Working Model of Slump and Recovery from Disturbances to Capital-Goods Demand in a Closed Non-Monetary Economy,"
1991, in Nell and Semmler, editors, Nicholas Kaldor and Mainstream
- "Testing 'Keynesian' Unemployment Theory against 'Structuralist' Theory: Global Evidence from the Past Two Decades,"
1991, in Nerlove, editor, Issues in Contemporary Economics
- "Consumer Demand and Equilibrium Unemployment in a Customer-Market Incentive-Wage
Economy", 1992, QJE
- "Macroeconomic Shocks in a Dynamized Model of the Natural Rate of Unemployment," with
H.T. Hoon, 1992, AER
- "Pro-Keynesian and Counter-Keynesian Implications of the 'Structuralist' Theory of Unemployment and Interest under the Classic Two-Sector
View of Capital and Production", 1993, in Knoester, editor, Taxation
in the United States and Europe.
- "Fiscal Policy and Economic Activity in the Neoclassical Theory with and without Bequests," with
G. Kanaginis, 1994, Finanz Archiv
- Structural Slumps: The Modern Equilibrium Theory of Unemployment, Interest and Assets,
- "Low-Wage Employment Subsidies versus the Welfare State",
1994, AER [phls]
- "The Origins and Further Development of the Natural Rate of
Unemployment," 1994, in Cross, editor, The Natural Rate Twenty-Five Years
On [phls]
- "The Structuralist Theory of Employment",
1995, AER [phls]
- "Autobiography of
E.S. Phelps" 1995, in Heertje, Makers of Modern Economics [phls]
- "Payroll Taxes and Wage Subsidies",
1995, Testimony [phls]
- Rewarding Work: How to Restore Participation and Self-Support to Free Enterprise,
- "Growth, Wealth and the Natural Rate: Is Europe's Jobs Crisis a Growth Crisis?"
with H.T. Hoon, 1997, European ER
- "The Rise and Downward Trend of the Natural Rate",
with G. Zoega, 1997, AER [phls]
- "Natural-rate theory and OECD unemployment," with G. Zoega, 1998, EJ
- "Moral Hazard and Independent Income in a Modern Intertemporal-Equilibrium Model of Involuntary Unemployment and Mandatory
Retirement," 1998, in Chichilnisky, editor, Markets, Information and
- "Macroeconomics for a Modern Economy", 2006 [nobel]
- "Refounding Capitalism", 2009, Capitalism and Society.
- "Past", "Present" and "Future" 2010, in Crittenden, ed., Future of
Money [pdf1,
- "Wanted: A first national bank of innovation", with Leo Tilman, 2010,
Harvard BR [pdf]
- "What's wrong with the West's economies?", 2015, NY Rev Books [onl]