Profile Major Works Resources

Thorstein Bunde Veblen, 1857-1929.

Photo of T. Veblen

American Institutionalist economist.



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Major Works of Thorstein Veblen

  • "Kant's Critique of Judgement", 1884, Journal of Speculative Philosophy
  • "Some Neglected Points in the Theory of Socialism", 1891, Annals of AAPSS (Nov) p.57/p.345 [js
  • "Boehm-Bawerk's Definition of Capital, and the Source of Wages", 1892, QJE (Jan), p.247-50 [js] [McM]
  • "The Overproduction Fallacy: Note on Mill and Crocker", 1892, QJE (Jul) p.484-92 [js]
  • "The Price of Wheat Since 1867", 1892, JPE (Dec), p.68 [js] with "Appendix III: Table of Prices of Wheat, p.156 [js]
  • "Review of Kirkup's Theory of Socialism", 1893, JPE (Mar),  p.300 [js]
  • "Review of Warschauer's Geschichte des Socialismus und Communismus", 1893, JPE, (Mar) p.302 [js]
  • "The Food Supply and the Price of Wheat", 1893, JPE (Jun)  p.365 [js]
  • "Review of Baden-Powell's Land-Systems of British India", 1893, JPE (Dec),  p.112 [js]
  • "Review of Kautsky's Der Parlimentarismus", 1894, JPE (Mar),  p.312 [js]
  • "Review of Bear's Study of Small-Holdings", 1894, JPE (Mar) p.325 [js]
  • "The Army of the Commonweal", 1894, JPE (Jun), p.456 [js] p.474 [js]
  • "Review of Garnier's History of the English Landed Interest", 1894, JPE (Jun) p.475 [js]
  •  "Review of Stannhammer's Bibliographie des Socialismus und Communismus", 1894, JPE (Jun) p.474 [js]
  • "Review of Levasseur's L'Agriculture aux Etats-Unis", 1894, JPE (Sep), p.592 [js]
  • "The Economic Theory of Women's Dress", 1894, Popular Science Monthly
  • (Trans) The Science of Finance by Gustav Cohn, 1895 [av]
  • "Review of R. Flint's Socialism", 1895, JPE (Mar) p.247 [js]
  • "Review of Marx''s Misere de la Philosophie and Ferri's Socialisme et Science Positive", 1896, JPE (Dec), p.97 [js]
  • "Review of Calwer's Einfuhrung in den Socialismus", 1897, JPE (Mar) p.270 [js]
  • "Review of Molinari's La Viriculture", 1897, JPE (Mar) p.273 [js]
  • "Review of Labriola's Essais sur la conception materialiste de l'histoire",  1897, JPE (June) p.390 [js]
  • "Review of Sombart's Sozialismus und soziale Bewegung", 1897, JPE (Jun) p.391 [js]
  • "Review of Bunge's Esquisses de litterature politico-economique",  1897, JPE (Dec) p.126 [js]
  • "Review of Max Lorenz's Marxistische Socialdemokratie", 1897, JPE (Dec) p.136 [js]
  •  "Review of Schmoller's Über einige Grundfragen der Socialpolitik und der Volkswirtschaftslehre", 1898, JPE (Jun) p.416 [js]
  • "Review of Mallock's Aristocracy and Revolution", 1898, JPE (Jun) p.430 [js]
  • "Review of Turgot's Reflections on the Formation and Distribution of Riches", 1898, JPE (Sep) p.575 [js]
  •  "Why is Economics not an Evolutionary Science?", 1898, QJE v.12 (Jul), p.373 [js] [McM]
  • "The Beginnings of Ownership" , 1898, American Journal of Sociology . [McM]
  • "The Instinct of Workmanship and the Irksomeness of Labor" , 1898, American Journal of Sociology . [McM
  • "The Barbarian Status of Women" , 1898, American Journal of Sociology . [McM]
  • "The Preconceptions of Economic Science, I", 1899, QJE, v.13 (Jan), p.121 [js]
  • "The Preconceptions of Economic Science II", 1899, QJE, v.13 (Jul), p.396 [js]
  • "Review of Patten's Development of English Thought", 1899, AAPSS (Jul), p.125 [js]
  • The Theory of the Leisure Class: an economic study of institutions, 1899 [1902 repr, 1912 repr, av; 1919 repr, 1922 repr, av; 1934 repr, av] [McM; Va, gut] [audio]
  • "The Preconceptions of Economic Science III", 1900, QJE, v.14 (Feb), p.240 [js]
  • "Mr. Cummings' Strictures on the Theory of the Leisure Class", 1899, JPE
  • "The Preconceptions of Economic Science", 1899-1990, QJE  Part 1 (1899),Part 2 (1899) , Part 3 (1900), QJE;
  • (Trans.) Ferdinand Lassalle, Science and the Workingmen, 1900 [bk]
  • "Review of Fischer's Die Entstehung des socialen Problems", 1900, JPE
  • "Review of Lafargue's Pamplets Socialistes", 1900, JPE
  • "Review of Tarde's Social Laws", 1900, JPE
  • "Industrial and Pecuniary Employments", 1901, Publications of the AEA
  • "Gustav Schmoller's Economics", 1901, QJE
  • "Arts and Crafts: Review of Triggs", 1902, JPE
  • "Review of Tarde's Psychologie Economique", 1902, JPE
  • "Review of Werner Sombart's Der moderne Kapitalismus", 1903, JPE
  • The Use of Loan Credit in Modern Business, 1903 [bk, av]
  • "Review of J.A. Hobson's Imperialism", 1903, JPE
  • "An Early Experiment in Trusts", 1904, JPE
  • "Review of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations", 1904, JPE
  • Theory of Business Enterprise , 1904 [bk, av] [1919 repr, 1927 repr, av, 1932 repr] [McM]
  • "Credit and Prices", 1905, JPE
  • "The Place of Science in Modern Civilization", 1906, American J of Sociology
  • "Professor Clark's Economics", 1906, QJE
  • "The Socialist Economics of Karl Marx and His Followers", 1906-07, QJE, Part 1 (1906), Part 2 (1907)
  • "Fisher's Capital and Income" , 1907, Political Science Quarterly . [McM]
  • "The Evolution of the Scientific Point of View", 1908, University of California Chronicle
  • "On the Nature of Capital", 1908, QJE
  • "Fisher's Rate of Interest" , 1909, Political Science Quarterly . [McM]
  • "The Limitations of Marginal Utility" , 1909, JPE. [McM]
  • "Christian Morals and the Competitive System", 1910, International J of Ethics
  • "The Mutation Theory and the Blond Race", 1913, Journal of Race Development
  • "The Blond Race and the Aryan Culture", 1913, Univ of Missouri Bulletin [av]
  • The Instinct of Workmanship and the State of the Industrial Arts, 1914.[bk] [1918 repr. av; 1946 repr, av]
  • "The Opportunity of Japan", 1915, J of Race Development
  • Imperial Germany and the Industrial Revolution, 1915. [bk, av]
  • An Inquiry into the Nature of Peace and the Terms of its Perpetuation, 1917. [bk, av]
  • "On the General Principles of a Policy of Reconstruction", 1918, J of the National Institute of Social Sciences
  • "Passing of National Frontiers", 1918, Dial, (Apr 25), p.387
  • "Menial Servants during the Period of War", 1918, Public
  • "Farm Labor for the Period of War", 1918, Public
  • "The War and Higher Learning", 1918, Dial (Jul 18), p.45
  • "The Modern Point of View and the New Order", 1918-19, Dial ,  Pt.3 [Nov 16, p.409], Pt. 4 [Nov 30, p.482], Pt. 5 [Dec 14, p.543], Pt. 6 [Dec 28, p.605], Pt. 7 [Jan 11, p.19], Pt. 8 [Jan 25, p.75]
  • "Program of the New School for Social Research", 1919, The Dial, Jan 25, p.90
  • The Higher Learning In America: A memorandum on the conduct of universities by business men , 1918 [bk, av], [McM]
  • The Vested Interests and the Common Man ("The Modern point of view and the new order"), 1919 [bk, av] [McM]
  • "The Intellectual Pre-Eminence of Jews in Modern Europe", 1919, PSQ
  • "Bolshevism is a Menace - to Whom?", 1919, Dial (Feb 22) p.174
  • "On the Nature and Uses of Sabotage", 1919, Dial (Apr 5), p.341
  • "Peace", 1919, Dial (May 17), p.485
  • "The Industrial System and the Captains of Industry", 1919, Dial (May 31), p.552
  • "The Captains of Finance and the Engineers", 1919, Dial, (Jun 14) p.599
  • The Place of Science in Modern Civilization and other essays, 1919. [bk, av]
  • "Bolshevism and the Vested Interests in America", 1919, The Dial, Pt. 1 [Oct 4, p.296], Pt.2 [Oct 18, p.339], Pt. 3 [Nov 1, p.373]
  • "Review of J.M.Keynes's Economic Consequences of the Peace , 1920, Political Science Quarterly  [McM]
  • The Engineers and the Price System, 1921. [bk, av] [McM: pdf]
  • Absentee Ownership and Business Enterprise in Recent Times: the case of America, 1923.
  • "Economic theory in the Calculable Future", 1925, AER
  • Essays in Our Changing Order, 1927.



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Resources on Thorstein Veblen

  • Bibliography of Thorstein Veblen.
  • "Review of Veblen's Theory of the Leisure Class", 1899, Open Court, p.766
  • "Review of Veblen's Instinct of Workmansip", by Ulysses G. Weatherly, 1914, AER
  • "Review of Veblen's Imperial Germany" by Sidney B. Fay, 1916, AER
  • "The Cost of Peace",  by Franics Hackett, 1917, New Republic p.113 [repr 1918 Horizons, p.345]
  • "Review of Veblen's The Nature of the Peace" by George Mead, 1918, JPE [txt]
  • "Veblen's Predatory Class", by Edgar Lane, 1918, Issues and Events, p.261
  • "Note on Veblen's Nature of the Peace", 1918, Dial  (Mar 14, p.246), (May 9, p.444)
  • "The Hire Learning", by John Dewey, 1918, Dial (Nov 14), p.553
  • "The Nationalities of Nations" by H.B.S., 1919, Dial (Mar 8),  p.252
  • "Two Iconoclasts: Veblen and Vanderlip", by Robert L. Duffus, 1919, Dial (July 26), p.62
  • "Prof. Veblen and the Cow" by H.L. Mencken, 1919, Smart Set, p.138
  •  Review of Veblen's The Place of Science in Modern Civilization" by Walton H. Hamilton, 1921, AER
  • "A Bibliography of Thorstein Veblen" by H.A. Innis, 1929, Southwestern PSSQ [av]
  • Thorstein Veblen : his life, influences, ideas, and impact by Douglas P. Sweetland, 1967 (MA thesis) [av]
  • "Thorstein Veblen as an Economic Theorist" by Kenneth J. Arrow, 1975 [av]
  • "The Importance of Thorstein Veblen for Contemporary Marxism", by E.K. Hunt, 1981, JEI [av]
  • "The Evolution of the Veblenian Dichotomy: Veblen, Hamilton, Ayres, And Foster" by William T. Waller, 1982, JEI [av]
  • "Review of Tilman, The Intellectual Legacy of Thorstein Veblen" by Anne Mayhew, 2000, HOPE
  • "'Leisure Class' author/critic may have been on the money" by Chris Solomon, 1999, Seattle Times  [article]
  • "Thorstein Veblen and American Social Criticism" by Joseph Heath [pdf]
  • "The Naughty Professor" by Alex Beam, Stanford Alumni Mag [article]
  • "The Professor's Literature of Protest" by Scott McLernee, 1015, Inside Higher ed [article]
  • Farmstead of Veblen's father, at Minnesota Historic Society [site]
  • The Veblen Institute for Economic Reforms website
  • "International Thorstein Veblen Society" website at Vassar
  • Short Veblen biography at Queen's Univ.
  • Thorstein Veblen page at University of Chicago Centennial
  • Thorstein Veblen Page at McMaster
  • Veblen entry at Concise Encyl of Economics, LibertyFund
  • Veblen entry in Britannica
  • Wikipedia


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