Major works of Nassau William Senior
- "Report on the State of Agriculture", 1821, Quarterly Review
- "Novels by the Author of Waverly", 1821, Quarterly Review (Oct),
- "The Pirate", 1822, Quarterly Review (Jan),
- "Cases of Walcot v Walker, Southey v. Sherwood, Murray v Benbow and
Lawrence v Smith", 1822, Quarterly Review (Apr),
- "The Fortunes of Nigel", 1822, Quarterly Review (Jul),
- "Sir
Walter Scott" (3 parts), 1821-22, Quarterly Review & 1829
London Review [1864 Essays
- "Ambiguous
Terms Used in Political Economy", in Appendix I (pp.309-22)
in Richard Whately, 1826, Elements of Logic
(1827 ed.)
An Introductory Lecture on Political Economy,
delivered before the University of Oxford on 6 December 1826, 1827 [bk]
Three Lectures on the Transmission of Precious Metals from Country to Country
and the Mercantile Theory of Wealth, delivered before the University of
Oxford in June 1827, 1828. [bk]
Two Lectures on Population,
delivered before the University of Oxford in Easter term 1828, to which is added a
correspondence between
the author and the Rev. T.R. Malthus, 1829 [bk]
Three Lectures on the Cost of Obtaining Money and on some effects of private and
government paper money, delivered before the University of Oxford in the
Trinity term 1829, 1830 [bk]
ed], [repr].
Three Lectures on the Rate of Wages, delivered before the University of
Oxford in Easter term, 1830, with a preface on the causes and remedies of
the present disturbances, 1831 [bk],
- [Anon.]
Remarks on Emigration, with a draft of a bill. 1831 [bk]
- Memorandum on the Present State of the Law Relating to Trade
Combinations, 1831 - (1865
- A Letter to Lord Howick on a Legal Provision for the Irish Poor.
- A Letter to Lord Howick on Commutation of Tithes and a Provision for
the Roman Catholic Clergy of Ireland, 1831
Letter to Lord Howick on a Legal Provision for the Irish Poor, Commutation
of Tithes and a Provision for the Roman Catholic clergy, 1831 [bk]
3rd ed]
- Report from His Majesty's Commissioners for Inquiring into the
Administration and Practical Operation of the Poor Laws, 1834 [bk]
repr] [lib]
Statement of the Provision for the Poor
and of the condition of the laboring classes in a considerable portion of America and
Europe. 1835. [bk]
- [Anon.]
On National Property and on the Prospects of the present administration and
of their successors, 1835 [bk]
- "Political
Economy", 1836, Encyclopedia Metropolitana [offprint pub. with
title An Outline of
the Science of Political Economy, 1836] [bk]
[1845 v.6
repr, 1850
2nd ed., 1854
3rd ed, 1858
4th ed., 1863
5th ed, 1872:
6th ed.]
Letters on the Factory Act as it
affects the cotton manufacture,
addressed to the right honorable president of the Board of Trade 1837. [bk]
Three Lectures on the Value of Money,
delivered before the university of Oxford in 1829, 1840. [bk]
- [Anon. "A Guardian"]
Remarks on the Opposition to the Poor Law Amendment Bill by a Guardian,
1841. [bk]
- "Grounds and Objects of the Budget", 1841, Edinburgh Rev
- "The English Poor Laws", 1841, Edinburgh Rev (Oct) [1865
- "The Budget of 1842", 1842, Edinburgh Rev
- "France,
America and Britain", 1842, Edinburgh Rev (Apr) [1865 Essays
- "The Law of Nations", 1843, Edinburgh Rev (Apr)
[1865 Essays
- "Free Trade and Retaliation", 1843, Edinburgh Rev
- "Ireland in 1843", 1844, Edinburgh Rev
- "Lord
Brougham's Political Philosophy", 1845, Edinburgh Rev (Jan)
[1865 Essays
- "Oxford
and Mr. Ward", 1845, Edinburgh Rev (Apr) [1865 Essays
- "The
Oregon Question", 1845, Edinburgh Rev (Jul) [1865 Essays ed]
- "Confederacy
and Union", 1846, Edinburgh Rev (Jan) [1865 Essays
- "Lewis
on Dependencies", 1846, Edinburgh Rev (Apr) [1865 Essays
- "Proposals for Extending the Irish Poor Law", 1846, Edinburgh
- "J.S. Mill's Principles and Essays on Unsettled Questions",
1848, Edinburgh Rev
- "Relief of Irish Distress in 1847 and 1848", 1849, Edinburgh
- A Lecture on the Production of Wealth, delivered before the University
of Oxford in Michaelmas term 1847, 1847. [bk]
- "J.S. Mill on Political Economy", 1848, Edinburgh Review
- "Lewis
on Authority in Matters of Opinion", 1850, Edinburgh Rev (Apr)
[1865 Essays
Four Introductory Lectures on Political Economy,
delivered before the university of Oxford, 1852. [bk]
- "Presidential Address to Section F of the British Association for the
Advancement of Science"
American Slavery: A reprint of an article on 'Uncle Tom's Cabin', of which a
portion was inserted in the 206th number of the 'Edinburgh Review' and of
Mr. Sumner's speech of the 19th and 20th of May, 1856, with a notice of the
events which followed that speech. 1856 [bk]
A Journal
Kept in Turkey and Greece, in the autumn of 1857 and the beginning of 1858,
1859 [bk]
[1861 French
Resolutions and Heads of Report Proposed by Mr. Senior, 1860 [bk]
- "Opening
Address of the President of Section F of the BAAS", 1860, JSS of
London (Sep),
- Suggestions on Popular Education, 1861 [bk]
Biographical Sketches, 1863 [bk]
Essays on Fiction, 1864. [bk]
- Historical and Philosophical Essays, 2 vols, 1865.
v. 1,
- Journals, Conversations and Essays Relating to Ireland, 2 vols,
- Journals Kept in France and Italy from 1848 to 1852: with a sketch of
the revolution of 1848, (ed. M.C.M. Simpson, 2 vols), 1871,
- Correspondence and Conversations of Alexis de Tocqueville with Nassau William
Senior, from 1834 to 1859. (ed. M.C.M. Simpson, 2 vols)., 1872 -
- Conversations with M. Thiers, M. Guizot and other distinguished
persons during the Second Empire, e(ed. M.C.M. Simpson, 2 vols), 1878
Vol. I,
Vol. II.
- Conversations with Distinguished Persons during the Second Empire,
from 1860 to 1863,(ed. M.C.M. Simpson, 2 vols), 1880,
Vol. I,
Vol. II
- Conversations and Journals in Egypt and Malta, (ed. M.C.M. Simpson, 2 vols), 1882,
Vol. I,
Vol. II
- ("Red Spinner" ?)
Mixed Bag: A medley
of angling stories and sketches, 1895 [bk]
- Selected Writing on Economics: A Volume of Pamphlets, 1827-1852,