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John Stuart Mill, 1806-1873

British philosopher, Classical  economist, prophet of liberalism and public intellectual.

The particulars of Mill's life are too well known - as laid out in his famous Autobiography (1873) for instance - to be worth repeating here, so we will just rattle them out: son of the Ricardian economist James Mill, trained from an early age to be a genius, "lent" by his father to utilitarian philosopher Jeremy Bentham, became a utilitarian himself, followed his father into the British East India Company, broke with Bentham, had an existentialist crisis, turned to the doctrines of Saint-Simon and Comte, met Harriet Taylor and waited twenty years for her husband to die, became a public intellectual Whig politician, etc., etc.

J.S. Mill was an economist, a Classical economist following the footsteps of this father, James Mill, contributing articles on economics already in the early 1820s, while still a teenager, to the Westminster Review.  In 1844, J.S. Mill published his Essays on Some Unsettled Question , which he began writing over a decade earlier (around 1831), largely in response to the challenge of the Oxford-Dublin school.  It includes a methodological essay on the scope of economics (orig. published in 1836). 

John Stuart Mill's greater economic performance was his magnificent 1848 Principles of Political Economy, a two-volume extended restatement of the Classical Ricardian theory,  He believed  Ricardo's labor theory of value to be so conclusive that, in the beginning of a discussion on the theory of value, Mill confidently notes that:

"Happily, there is nothing in the laws of Value which remains for the present or any future writer to clear up; the theory of the subject is complete: the only difficulty to be overcome is that of so stating it as to solve by anticipation the chief perplexities which occur in applying it." (J.S. Mill, Principles, 1848: Book III, Ch. 1).

Thus putting a stone on the matter, and burying supply-and-demand theory for another quarter-century.  When Jevons's later grumbled at the "noxious influence of authority" preventing the development of economics, there is little doubt he was referring to J.S. Mill.



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Major Works of John Stuart Mill

  • "Two Letters on the Measure of Value", 1822, The Traveller  ["Exchangeable Value", 1822, The Traveller, Pt.1 (Dec 6), Pt.2 (Dec.13) [CW, v.22 lib1 & lib2] (reply to Torrens on James Mill)
  • "Tooke's Thoughts on High and Low Prices", 1823, Globe & Traveller, Pt. 1 (Mar 4), Pt. 2 (Aug 9) [CW, v.22 lib1 & lib2]
  • "Malthus's Measure of Value", 1823, Morning Chronicle, (Sep 5) [CW, v.22 lib]
  • "Questions of Population", 1823,  Black Dwarf  Pt. 1 (Nov 27), Pt. 2 (Dec 10), Pt. 3 (Jan 7, 1824), Pt. 4 (Feb 25)  [CW, v.22.  lib1 lib2, lib3, lib4] (reply to Thomas Wooler)
  • "The Utility of Knowledge: Speech at Mutual Improvement Society, 1823", unpub, [pub. 1924 Autobiography, Laski ed, p.267]
  • "War Expenditure", 1824, Westminster Rev (v.1, Jul),  p.27 (review of  Blake)
  • "The British Constitution: Speech at Debating Society, 1825", unpub [pub. 1924  Autobiography, Laski ed, p.275]
  • "Quarterly Review - Political Economy", 1825, Westminster Rev, (v.3, Jan), p.213 (review of  James Mill)
  • "Corn Laws", 1825, Westminster Review (v.3, Apr),, p.394  (review of W.W. Whitmore)
  • [W. Ellis & J.S. Mill] "M'Culloch's Discourse on Political Economy", 1825, Westminster Review, (v.4, Jul), p.88 (review of  J.R. McCulloch)
  • "Paper Currency - Commercial Distress", 1826, Parliamentary Review, p.630
  • [Attrib to J.S. Mill in CW] "The Silk Trade", 1826, Westminster Review (v.5, Jan),  p.136
  • "New Corn Law", 1827, Westminster Review (v. 7, Jan), p.169  (review of T. Perronet Thompson)
  • "Whately's Elements of Logic", 1828, Westminster Rev (v.9, Apr), p.137 (review of  R. Whately)
  • [Attrib to J.S. Mill in CW]  "The Nature, Origin and Progress of Rent", 1828, note III in J.R.McCulloch, ed., of Smith, Wealth of Nations, v.4, p.100
  • "On Perfectibility: Speech at Debating Society, 1828", unpub [pub. 1924  Autobiography,  Laski ed, p.288]
  • "Notes of Speech against Sterling, speech at Debating Society, 1829", unpub [pub. 1924 Autobiography Laski ed, p.300]
  • "Church: speech at Debating Society, 1829", unpub [pub. 1924, Autobiography Laski ed, p.310]
  • "Review of Miss Martineau's Tales", 1830, Examiner
  • "The Spirit of the Age", 1831, Examiner
  • "Review of Whately's Introductory Lectures", 1831, Examiner (June 12) [CW v.22 lib]
  • "The Use and Abuse of Political Terms", 1832, Tait's Edinburgh Mag, v.1 (May),  p.164
  • [Antiquus] "On Genius", 1832, Monthly Repository (Oct), p.649
  • # "Bentham and his works - 1 the Book of Fallacies", 1832, Tait's Edinburgh Mag, v.2 (Oct) p.49
  • "Obituary of Bentham", 1832, Examiner
  • "Remarks on Bentham's Philosophy" (App. B, p.469), "A Few Observations on Mr. Mill" (App. C, p.485), "Comment on Bentham" (p.351?), in 1833, E.L. Bulwer, editor, England and the English, v.2
  • "Corporation and Church Property", 1833, The Jurist (Feb), p.1 [1859 DD, v.1]
  • "The Currency Juggle", 1833, Tait's Edinburgh Magazine (v.3, Jan), p.461 [1859 DD, v.1]
  • "Thoughts on Poetry and its Varieties", 1833, Monthly Repository (Jan and Oct) [1859 DD v.1]
  • [Anon] "Writings of Junius Redivivus", 1833, Monthly Repository (Apr)
  • [Anon] "Writings on Junius Redivivus, the producing man's companion", 1833, Tait's Edinburgh Magazine (Jun), p.347
  • "Alison's History of Europe", 1833, Monthly Repository (Aug) [1859 DD, v.1]
  • "Miss Martineau's Summary of Political Economy", 1834, Monthly Repository, (v.8), p.318
  • "Professor Sedgwick's Discourse - State of Philosophy in England", 1835, London Rev (Apr), p.95 [1859 DD v.1]
  • "Rationale of Representation", 1835, London Rev (Jul), p.341  [only partially in 1859 DD, v.1]
  • "Tennyson's Poems, 1835, London Review (Jul), p.402
  • [A.] "Civilization", 1836, London and Westminster Rev (Apr), p.1 [1859 DD v.1]
  • [A.] "On the Definition of Political Economy; and on the Method of Philosophical Investigation in that Science", 1836, London and Westminster Rev (Oct), p.1 
    • [Reprinted  as "On the Definition of Political Economy; and on the Method of Investigation Proper to it", in as Ch. V of Mill, 1844].
  • [A.] "Aphorisms - Thoughts in the Cloister and the Crowd", 1837, London and Westminster Rev. (Jan), p.346 [1859 DD v.1]
  • [A.] "Armand Carrel", 1837  London and Westminster Rev, (Oct), p.66 [1859 DD v.1]
  • [A.] "Letters from Palmyra" 1838, London and Westminster Rev, (Jan)  p.436 [1859 DD v.1]
  • [A.] "Royalist Poetry - Poems and Romances of Alfred de Vigny" 1838 (Apr), p.1 [1859 DD, v.1]
  • [S.] "Milnes' Poems of Many Years", 1838, London and Westminster (Aug), p.308
  • [A.] "Bentham" 1838, London and Westminster Rev, (Aug), p.467 [1859 DD, v.1], [McM]
  • [A.] "Coleridge", 1840, London and Westminster Rev,  (Mar), p.257 [1859 DD, v.1]
  • "M. de Tocqueville on Democracy in America" 1840, Edinburgh Review (v.72, Oct), p.1 [1859 DD, v.2]
  • [A.] "Bailey on Berkeley's Theory of Vision" 1842 Westminster Review (Oct), p.318 [1859 DD, v.2]
  • [A] "Macaulay's Lays of Ancient Rome", 1843, Westminster Review (Feb), p.105
  • A System of Logic,  ratiocinative and inductive, being a connected view of the principles of evidence and the methods of scientific investigation, 1843.
  • Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy, 1844  [bk], [av], [bris], [pdf, lib] [audio]
    • "I - Of the Laws of Interchange between Nations, and the distribution of the gains of commerce among the countries of the commercial world" (p.1)
    • "II - Of the Influence of Consumption upon Production" (p.47)
    • "III - On the Words Productive and Unproductive" (p.75)
    • "IV - Of Profits, and Interest" (p.90)
    • "V - On the Definition of Political Economy, and on the Method of Investigation proper to it" (p.120) [reprint of 1836]
  • "Michelet's History of France", 1844, Edinburgh Review (v. 79, Jan), p.1 [1859 DD, v.2]
  • [A.] "The Currency Question", 1844 Westminster Review (v.41, Jun), p.579 (review of Tooke and Torrens)
  • "Claims of Labour", 1845, Edinburgh Rev (v. 81, Apr), p.498 [1859 DD, v.2]
  • [A.] "De Quincey's Logic of Political Economy", 1845,  Westminster Review (v.43, Jun), p.319
  • "Mr Guizot's Lectures and Essays in History" 1845, Edinburgh Rev (v.82, Oct), p.381 [1859 DD, v.2]
  • "Grote's History of Greece", 1846, Edinburgh Rev (Oct), p.343  [1859 DD, v.2]  (review of George Grote v.i, ii)
  • The Principles of Political Economy: with some of their applications to social philosophy, 1848
    • 1848 original ed: v.1, v.2
    • 1849 2nd ed, v.1, v.2
    • 1852 3rd ed., v.1, v.2
    • [German 1852 trans. (Soetbeer), v.1, v.2]
    • [French 1854 trans (Dussard & Courcelle-Seneuil). v.1, v.2; 1861 2nd ed, v.1, v.2]
    • 1857 4th ed. v.1, v.2
    • 1862 5th ed.  v.1, v.2
    • [1864 (NY), repr of 5th ed., v.1, v.2]
    • 1865 6th ed. v.1, v.2
    • [1865 People's ed;  1866 repr,1875 repr]
    • 1871 7th ed, v.1, v.2
    • 1878 8th ed, v.1, v.2
    • [1884 (J.L. Laughlin) abridged ed, 1887 repr]
    • 1886 9th ed, v.1, v.2
    • 1892 "Silver" ed  [1894 repr, 1904 repr, 1911 repr]
    • 1909 "New" ed. (W.J. Ashley ed.) [bk] [1923 repr, av]
    • [html: McM]
    • 1965 ed, from Collected Works of John Stuart Mill
    • (J.M. Robson, ed).
      • v.2 of CW - Principles of Political Economy, Bks. I-II [lib]
      • v.3 of CW - Principles of Political Economy, Bks. III-IV & App  [lib], which includes:
      • App. F (notes on Principles manuscript) [lib]
      • App. G (correspondence with Harriet Taylor, 1849-57),  [lib]
      • App. H (correspondence with J.E. Cairnes, 1864-65), [lib]
      • App I (Bibliographic index) [lib]
  • "Secular Education, undelivered speech, written 1849", unpub [pub. 1924 Autobiography Laski ed, p.326]
  • "The French Revolution of 1848 and its assailants", 1849, Westminster & Foreign Quarterly Review (Apr), p.1 [1859 DD, v.2, plus App] (reply to H. Brougham)
  • "The Savings and the Middle and Working Classes", 1850, Parliamentary Papers, v.19, p.253 [CW v.5, lib]
  • [D.] "The Negro Question", 1850, Fraser's Magazine (v.41, Jan), p.25
  • "Enfranchisement of Women" 1851, Westminster & Foreign Quarterly Review (v.55, Jul), p.289 [1859, DD, v.2]
  • Public Agency v. Trading Companies,: the economical and administrative principles of water-supply for the metropolis, correspondence between John Stuart Mill, Esq., and the Metropolitan Sanitary Association, on the proper agency for regulating the water-supply for the metropolis, as a question of economical and administrative principle, 1851  [CW, v.5 lib]
  • "Whewell's Moral Philosophy", 1852, Westminster & Foreign Quarterly Review (v.55, Oct), p.349 [1859, DD, v.2]
  • "Grote's History of Greece, vols. ix, x, xi ", 1853, Edinburgh Review (Oct), p.425 [1859 DD, v.2]  (review of George Grote v.ix, x, xi)
  • [Anon] Memorandum of the Improvements in the Administration of India during the last thirty years: and the petition of the East-India Company to Parliament, 1858 [bk]
  • [J.S.M.] "Recent Writers on Reform", 1859, Fraser's Magazine (v.51, Apr) p.489 [1867 DD v.3]
  • "Bain's Psychology", 1859, Edinburgh Review (v.110, Oct), p.287 [1867 DD v.3]
  • "A Few Words on Non-Intervention", 1859, Fraser's Magazine (v.60, Dec), p.766 [1867 DD v.3]
  • Dissertations and Discussions, 1859.
  • On Liberty , 1859  [bk] [1864 3rd ed; 1908 ed],[French 1860 trans], [German 1860 trans],  [Dutch 1870 trans]
  • Thoughts on Parliamentary Reform, 1859. [bk] [1867 DD v.3]
  • Considerations on Representative Government, 1860 [1861 2nd ed, 1865 3rd ed, 1867 people's ed, 1872 ed, 1884 ed] [moa]  [1862 French trans]
  • "Utilitarianism", 1861, Fraser's Magazine, (v.64),  three parts: Oct (Ch.1 & 2,  p.391), Nov (Ch. 3 & 4, p.525), Dec (Ch. 5, p.659)  {reprinted as book in 1863)
  • "Centralisation", 1862, Edinburgh Rev (Apr), p.323
  • "The Contest in America", 1862, Fraser's Magazine (v.65, Feb), p.258 [offprint 1862 ed moa] [repr. Harper's moa; 1867 DD v.3]
  • "Austin on Jurisprudence", 1863, Edinnburgh Review (v.118 Oct), p.439 [1867 DD v.3]
  • Utilitarianism, 1863 [bk] (reprint of 1861 article) [1864 2nd ed,  1867 3rd ed, 1871 4th ed, 1879 7th ed, 1891 11th  ed, 1895 12th ed, 1901 repr]
  • An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy, 1865 [bk]. [1865 2nd ed, 1867 3rd ed]
  • "The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte", 1865, Westminster Review (Apr), p.339
  • August Comte and Positivism, 1865 [bk] [1866 2nd ed; 1891 4th ed; 1907 5th ed] [1868 French trans]
  • "Grote's Plato", 1866, Edinburgh Review (Apr), p.297 [1867 DD v.3]
  • Inaugural Address delivered to the University of St. Andrews, Feb 1st, 1867, 1867. [bk]
  • Speech of John Stuart Mill, M.P., on the Admission of Women to the Electoral Franchise, spoken in the House of Commons, May 20th, 1867, 1867 [bk]
  • Personal Representation: Speech of John Stuart Mill, Esq., M.P.  delivered in the House of Commons, May 29th, 1867, 1867 [bk]
  • "Speech In Favor of Capital Punishment", 1868
  • England and Ireland, 1868. [bk]
  • The Subjection of Women, 1869 [bk] [1869 2nd ed; 1870 3rd ed; 1878 4th ed] [1895 repr, 1911 repr], (copy 1, copy 2)  [1869 French trans]
  • "Endowments", 1869, Fortnightly Review (v.11, Apr), p.377 [1875 DD v.4]
  • "Thornton on Labor and its Claims", 1869, Fortnightly Review, (v.11), Pt. 1  (May 1, p.505),  Pt 2 (June 1, p.680) [McMBris] [1875 DD v.4]
  • Chapters and Speeches on the Irish Land Question, 1870 [bk] [1875 DD v.4]
  • "Professor Leslie on the Land Question"  1870, Fortnightly Review (v.13, Jun), p.641 [1875 DD v.4]
  • "Taine's D'Intelligence", 1870, Fortnightly Review (v. 14, Jul), p. 121  [1875 DD v.4]
  • "Treaty Obligations", 1870, Fortnightly Review, (v.14 , Dec), p.715  [1875 DD  v.4]
  • "Maine on Village Communities", 1871, Fortnightly Review (May), p.543 [1875 DD, v.4]
  • "Berkeley's Life and Writings", 1871, Fortnightly Review  (Nov) p.505 [1875 DD v.4]
  • "Grote's Aristotle", 1873, Fortnightly Review, (Jan), p.27  [1875 DD, v.4]
  • "Baer's L'Avere e l'Imposta", 1873, Fortnightly Review, (Mar), p.396
  • Nature,  the Utility of Religion and Theism, (ed. H. Taylor), 1874 [bk] [1885 3rd ed] [html: nat]
  • Autobiography of John Stuart Mill, 1873 [1873 2nd ed.], [1882 7th ed]  [McM] [1924 Laski ed]
  • Three Essays on Religion, 1874.
  • "Chapters on Socialism" (ed. H.. Taylor), 1879, Fortnightly Review  Ch. 1 (Feb, p.217), Ch. 2 (Mar, p.373), Ch. 3 (Apr, p.513)  [1879 offprint as Socialism]
  • "Appendix of Unpublished Speeches" in J.S. Mill, Autobiography, 1924 ed, (H.J. Laski ed), App
    • "The Utility of Knowledge: Speech at Mutual Improvement Society, 1823", [p.267]
    • "The British Constitution: Speech at Debating Society, 1825", [p.275]
    • "On Perfectibility: Speech at Debating Society, 1828", [p.288]
    • "Notes of Speech against Sterling, speech at Debating Society, 1829", [p.300]
    • "Church, speech at Debating Society, 1829", [p.310]
    • "Secular Education, undelivered speech, written 1849", [p.326]
  • "Notes on N.W. Senior's Political Economy", (ed. F.A. Hayek) 1945, Economica
  • Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, (ed. John M. Robson), 1963-1991, 33 vols (Toronto edition) [online at LibertyFund]
    • v.1 - Autobiography and literary essays  [lib] (ed. J.M. Robson & J. Stillinger)
    • v.2 - Principles of Political Economy, Bks. I-II [lib] (intro by V.W. Bladen, lib)
    • v.3 - Principles of Political Economy, Bks. III-IV & App  [lib]
    • v.4 - Essays on Economics and Society, Part I [lib] (intro by Lionel Robbins lib)
    • v.5  - Essays on Economics and Society, Part II [lib]
    • v.6  - Essays on England, Ireland and the Empire [lib]
    • v.7 - A System of Logic, Bks. I-III, [lib]
    • v.8 - A System of Logic, Bks IV-VI & App [lib]
    • v.9 - Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy [lib]
    • v.10 - Essays on Ethics, Religion and Society [lib] (intro essays on utilitarianism by F. Priestley  lib and J.P. Dyer, lib)
    • v.11 - Essays on Philosophy and the Classics [lib]
    • v.12 - Earlier Letters of John Stuart Mill, 1812-1848, Part I [lib] (ed. F. Mineka, intro by F.A. Hayek, lib)
    • v.13 - Earlier Letters of John Stuart Mill, 1812-1848, Part II  [lib]
    • v.14 - Later Letters of John Stuart Mill, 1849-1873, Part I [lib] (ed. F. Minka & D. Lindley)
    • v.15 - Later Letters of John Stuart Mill, 1849-1873, Part II [lib]
    • v.16 - Later Letters of John Stuart Mill, 1849-1873, Part III  [lib]
    • v.17 - Later Letters of John Stuart Mill, 1849-1873, Part IV  [lib]
    • v.18 - Essays on Politics and Society, Part I [lib] (intro by A. Brady, lib)
    • v.19 - Essays on Politics and Society, Part II [lib]
    • v.20 - Essays on French History and Historians [lib]
    • v.21 - Essays on Equality, Law and Education [lib]
    • v.22  - Newspaper Writings, Part I, Dec 1822 - July 1831 [lib]
    • v.23  - Newspaper Writings, Part II, Aug 1831 - Oct 1834 [lib]
    • v.24  - Newspaper Writings, Part III, Jan 1835 - June 1847 [lib]
    • v.25  - Newspaper Writings, Part IV, Dec 1847 - July 1873  [lib]
    • v.26 - Journals and Debating Speeches, Part I [lib]
    • v.27 - Journals and Debating Speeches, Part II [lib]
    • v.28 - Public and Parliamentary Speeches, Part I, Nov 1850-Nov 1868  [lib]
    • v.29 - Public and Parliamentary Speeches, Part II, July 1869-March 1873 [lib]
    • v.30 - Writings on India [lib] (ed. J.M. Robson, M. Moir & Z. Moir)
    • v.31 - Miscellaneous Writings [lib]
    • v.32 - Additional Letters of John Stuart Mill [lib] (ed. M. Filipiuk, M. Laine and J.M. Robson)
    • v.33 - Indexes to Collected Works
    • Introductions to Robson ed of Collected Works, 2013 [lib]




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Resources on John Stuart Mill


  • "Mill's Logic", 1843, Blackwood's Edinburgh Review (v.54), p.416
  • "Review of J.S. Mill's Principles of Political Economy", by Walter Bagehot, 1848, Prospective Review (v.4), p.460 [McM}
  • "Political Economy by John Stuart Mill", 1848, Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (v.64), p.407
  • "Mill's Political Economy: Population and Property (review of Mill and McCulloch)", 1848, North American Review, p.370  [moa]
  • "Causes of Poverty" by W.E., 1848, Westminster & Foreign Quarterly Review, v.50 (Oct), p.62 (review of J.S. Mill's Principles)
  • Of Induction, with especial reference to J.S. Mill's System of logic by William Whewell, 1849 [bk]
  • Who is the Reformer? John Stuart Mill or John Bright?  by Anon, 1859 [bk]
  • "J.S. Mill" by Louis Reybaud, 1862, Économistes Modernes, p.244
  • #  "Léon Faucher" by Louis Reybaud, 1862, Économistes Modernes, p.305
  • "Mill's Utilitarianism", 1863, British Controversialist, p.459
  • Analysis of Mr Mill's System of Logic by William Stebbing 1864 ed, [1866 2nd ed]
  • "Art V., Parliament and Reform", 1865, Westminster Review, v.83 (Apr),  p.236
  • "Art IV Political Economy", 1865, Westminster Review, v.84 (Jul), p.48
  • Odd Bricks, from a tumbledown private building by Anon [A Retired Construction Worker], 1866 [bk]
  • Hamilton versus Mill. A thorough discussion of each chapter in Mr. John Stuart Mill's Examination of Hamilton's Logic and Philosophy, 1866 [bk]
  • The Philosophy of the Conditioned, remarks on sir W. Hamilton's philosophy and on mr. J.S. Mill's Examination of that philosophy, by H.L. Mansel, 1866 [bk]
  • "J.S. Mill on Political Economy", by G. Fitzhugh, 1867, DeBow's Review [moa]
  • "J.S. Mill" by G.M. Towle, 1870, Appletons' Journal [moa]
  • "Mr. Mill on Trades Unions - A Criticism", by J. Stirling, 1870, in A. Grant, editor. Recess Studies, p.309
  • "Review of Mill on Irish Question", by C.E.M., 1870, Contemporary Rev, p.454
  • "Mr. Mill on the Subjection of Women", by Matthew Browne, 1870, Contemporary Rev, p.273
  • The Student's Handbook, Synoptical and Explanatory, of Mr. J.S. Mill's System of Logic, by Rev A.H. Hillock, 1870 [bk] [1909 repr]
  • An Alphabetical index of the philosophers and discoverers whose opinions are endorsed or controverted, or whose discoveries exemplify logical methods, set forth in J.L.S. Mill's System of Logic, 1871 [bk]
  • John Stuart Mill, His life and works: Twelve Sketches, 1873, [bk], including:
    • "II. His Career in the India House", by W.T. Thornton, (p.30)
    • "III. His Moral Character" by by Herbert Spencer, (p.38l)
    • "VIII. His Work in Political Economy" by J.E. Cairnes, (p.68i)
    • "IX. His Influence at the Universities" by Henry Fawcett, (p.74)
    • "X. His Influence as a Practical Politician" by Millicent Garrett Fawcett, (p.81)
  • "On the Influence of John Stuart Mill's Writings", by Edith Simcox, 1873, Contemporary Review, p.297
  • "The Autobiography of J.S. Mill", by Rev. J.M. Capes, 1873, Contemporary Review, p.53
  • "Review of J.S. Mill's Autobiography" by President Chapin, 1874, New Englander and Yale Review, p.605 [moa]
  • "Capital: Mr. Mill's Fundamental Propositions", by Anthony Musgrave, Gov of Australia, 1874, Contemporary Rev, p.728
  • "John Stuart Mill" by Noah Porter, 1874, International Review, p.205
  • "John Stuart Mill as a Religious Philosopher", by Noah Porter, 1875, International Review, p.540
  • "Mr. Mill's Three Essays on Religion",  by John Morley, 1875, Fortnightly Review, p.103
  • "On Mr. Mill's Theory of Value", by Alfred Marshall, 1876, Fortnightly Review, p.591
  • "John Stuart Mill and the Destruction of Theism", by President Shairp, 1878, Princeton Review [moa]
  • "Mill's Theory of the Syllogism", by Alexander Bain  1878, Mind, p.137
  • "On Freedom", F.M.Muller, 1879 ,Contemporary Review, p.369
  •  "John Stuart Mill, by Alexander Bain  1879-80, Mind: 1879:  Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3", 1880: Pt. 4
  • John Stuart Mill: A criticism, with personal recollections, by Alexander Bain,1882 [bk]
  • "The  Alleged Gap in Mill's Utilitarianism", by J. Sutherland 1886, Mind, p.597 (esp. Sidgwick)
  • Life of John Stuart Mill by W.L. Courtney, 1889 [bk], including calendar and  bibliography by J.P. Anderson
  • "Mill, John Stuart" in C. Coquelin and G.U. Guillaumin, editors, 1852, Dictionnaire de l'économie politique [1864 ed.]
  • "Mill, John Stuart" by Fernand Faure,  in L. Say and J. Chailley-Bert, editors, 1892, Nouveau Dictionnaire de l'économie politique
  • "Mill, John Stuart" in R.H. Inglis Palgrave, editor, 1894-1901 Dictionary of Political Economy [1901 ed.]
  • "Mill, John Stuart" in Leslie Stephen & Stephen Lee, editor, 1885-901 Dictionary of National Biography [1908-09 ed]
  • "Mill, John Stuart" by J.M. Mitchell and W. Minto, in 1911, Encyclopedia Britannica
  • "Mill, John Stuart"  in J. Conrad et al, (1891-94) Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften [2nd ed, 1898-1901]
  • "V. III, J.S. Mill" by Leslie Stephen, 1900 The English Utilitarians, v.3 [McM]
  • "Introductory Essays" by Charles Douglas, 1897, The Ethics of John Stuart Mill, by Charles Douglas, 1897 [bk]
  • John Stuart Mill - Correspondance inédite avec Gustave d'Eichthal (1828-1842)-(1864-1871), by Eugene d'Eichthal, 1898 [bk] 


  • "Variations in the Editions of J.S. Mill's Principles of Political Economy" by M.A. Ellis, 1906 [McM: pdf]
  • "List of Mill's debating speeches" by Karl Britton and John M. Robson, 1965, Mill Newsletter [pdf at UCL]
  • "J.S. Mill: the Utilitarian influence in the demise of laissez-faire" by Ellen Frankel Paul, 1978, J of Libertarian Studies [mis]
  • "Mill on Duty and Liberty" by John  Kilcullen, 1981, Austr J of Philos [macq]
  • "Utlitarianism and Virtue", by John Kilcullen, 1983, Ethics [macq]
  • "Utility and Preferences", by Soshichi Uchii, 1998 [online]
  • "Sherlock Holmes and Probabilistic Induction" by Soshichi Uchii, 1998 [online]
  • "Connoisseurs of Diversity: John Stuart Mill on Breeding the Culture of Toleration" by Graham Finlay
  • "Ch. 3 - John Stuart Mill as Anti-Intuitionist Social Reformer"  by Roger Frantz, 2005, Two Minds: Intuition and Analysis in the history of economic thought [pdf]
  • J.S. Mill page at McMaster
  • Short bibliography of John Stuart Mill at McMaster
  • J.S. Mill  at Spartacus Educational Web
  • J.S. Mill at International Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  • J.S. Mill at Stanford Enc of Philosophy
  • J.S. Mill at
  • J.S. Mill at Bartleby 
  • J.S. Mill entry at Concise Encycl of Economics at LibertyFund
  • J.S. Mill entry at Britannica
  • J.S. Mill entry at Queen's Univ.
  • Wikipedia


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