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Conte Pietro Verri, 1728-1797

Portrait of Pietro Verri

Illustrious Milanese nobleman, government official and Enlightenment philosopher.  After an ill-fated love affair, a break with his family and a deep intellectual crisis, Pietro Verri arrived on the scene in 1757 with his sharp satirical annual, Il gran Zoroastro.  After a brief stint in the Austrian army in 1759-60, Verri returned to Milan, where he quickly fell in among the Italian Enlightenment figures of the day, notably the great Cesare Beccaria.  With Beccaria and his own brother, Alessandro Verri, he founded the "Società dei Pugni" in 1761, a discussion group concentrating on public policy and economics.  From 1764 to 1766, the group published the great Enlightenment journal, Il Caffè.

Verri began publishing tracts on economic questions in 1760.   In 1763, he produced his Meditazioni sulla felicità, a treatise on hedonistic ethics along the lines of Helvétius (spiced with Rousseau), thus making him one of the fathers of utilitarianism.  It was Verri who pushed Beccaria into making his seminal contributions to utilitarian social philosophy.  

After Il Caffè was closed down and the group dispersed, Verri took up a variety of posts in the Austrian administration.  He used this time to publish some of his most famous utilitarian tracts: his 1773 Discorso and his 1777 treatise denouncing the use of torture.

Verri's 1771 Meditzioni sull' economia politica was perhaps his greatest contribution to economic theory.  Verri argued that price depends on the "apparent abundance" of a good and the "need" for it.  He defines "need" as a species of pain which humans seek to minimize activity and industry.  For Verri, "needs" are not mere desires but must be expressed with payment, thus they can be considered "demands" in the modern sense.  Following Beccaria, Verri noted that abundance increases with number of offers (i.e. sellers) and "needs" with the number of sellers.   He notes that the value of a commodity varies directly with need and inversely to abundance. In this manner, Verri can be regarded as an important predecessor of the Marginalist Revolution.  

Verri's quantitative work includes not only admirable attempt at calculating the balance of payments, but also the first mathematical expression of a demand curve.  On economic policy, Verri followed the radical laissez-faire positions advocated by the Physiocrats.  Interestingly, he disagreed with Hume's "reflux" principle, arguing that balance of payments adjustment occur not through prices but rather through the levels of aggregate economic activity (thus making him an early Keynesian).

In his official capacities in the Austrian administration, Verri tried to push many economic and administrative reforms through, with little success.  In 1772, Verri was vice-president, and then, in 1780, president, of the Chamber of Counts.  He retired from public life in 1786 and lived on long enough to welcome the French Revolution.



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Major Works of Pietro Verri

  • Diario Militare, 1759-60 [txt]
  • Sul tributo del sale nello stato di Milano, 1760
  • Sulla grandezza e decadenza del commercio di Milano, 1760
  • De gli elementi del commercio, 1760. [pub. 1804 SCI, v.17, p.323]
  • Considerazione sul lusso, ??. [pub. 1804 SCI, v.17 p.336]
  • Dialogo tra Fromino e Simplicio disordine delle monete nello Stato di Milano, 1762 [1804 SCI, v.16, p.277]
  • Meditazioni sulla felicità, 1763 [bk] [1765 ed]
  • Cronaca di Cola De Li Picirilli degli avvenimenti pubblici di Milano dell'anno 1763, 1763
  • Memorie storiche sull' economia politica nello stato di Milano, (wr. 1763-68, first pub. 1804) [SCI, v.17 p.5.]
  • Bilanco del Commercio dello Stato di Milano, 1764. [extracts: 1804 SCI, v.17,  p.349]
  • Reflessioni Sulle Leggi vincolanti principalmente nel commercio dei grani, 1769. [1796 ed] [1804 SCI, v.16, p.5]
  • Meditazioni sull' economia politica, 1771. [bk] [1804 SCI, v.15, p.1] [1818 ed.][French 1795 trans; 1800 trans]
  • Consulta su la riforma dell monete dello stato di Milano, presentato al magistrato camerale, il 20 aprile 1772 [1804 SCI, v.16 p.295]
  • Estratto del saggio sulla teoria della moneta del General Lloyd [1804 SCI, v.17, p.369]
  • Discorso sull'indole del piacere, 1773 [1774 ed]
  • Progetto di una Tariffa della mercaniza per lo Stato di Milano, presentao al magistrato camerale, il 30 maggio 1774 [extract: 1804 SCI, v.16, p.313]
  • Osservazioni sulla tortura e singolarmente sugli effetti che produsse all'occasione delle unzioni malefiche alle quali si attribuì la pestilenza che devastò Milano l'anno 1630, (wr. 1777, first pub. 1804) [SCI, v.17, p.191
  • Discorsi del conte Pietro Verri sull'indole del piacere e del dolore, sulla felicità e sulla economia politica, 1781 [bk]  (repr. of 1773, 1763 and 1771)
  • Storia di Milano, 1783 v.1 [1837 ed, v.1, v.2, v.3, v.4]
  • Scrittori Classici Italiani di economia politica: parte moderna (ed., Pietro Custodi), 1804: v.15, v.16, v.17
  • Opere filosofiche e di economia politica, 1836 v.1 (ct), v.2  [1818 ed, v.1 (ct), v.2, v.3]
  • Scritti Vari (ed. G. Carcano and V. Salvagnoli), 1854, v.1 (ct), v.2
  • Lettere e scritti inediti di Pietro e di Alessandro Verri (ed. Carlo Casati), 1879-81, v.1, v.2, v.3, v.4 (ct)




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Resources on Pietro Verri

  • "Esame di alcuni passi delle Meditazioni sulla economia politica del conte Pietro Verri: Memoria" by Pietro Ferroni, 1796 [1804, SCI, v.17, p.384]
  • Elogio storico di Pietro Verri, by Isidoro Bianchi, 1803 [bk]
  • "Notizie de Pietro Verri", by Pietro Custodi, 1804, Scrittori classici Italiani di economie politica: parte moderna, v.15 [p.v] [1843 repr]
  • "Verri, Pietro" in C. Coquelin and G.U. Guillaumin, editors, 1852, Dictionnaire de l'économie politique [1864 ed.]
  • "Verri, Pietro" in L. Say and J. Chailley-Bert, editors, 1892, Nouveau Dictionnaire de l'économie politique
  • "Verri, Pietro" in R.H. Inglis Palgrave, editor, 1894-1899, Dictionary of Political Economy [1918 ed.]
  • "Verri, Pietro"  in J. Conrad et al, (1891-94) Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften [2nd ed, 1898-1901]
  • "Pietro Verri’s Contribution to the Economic Theory of the 18th Century: Commercial Society, Civil Society and Governance of the Economy" by Pier Luigi Porta and Robert Scazzieri, 1998 [pdf]
  • "Vita di Pietro Verri" by Giuseppe Bonghi [pdf]
  • "Introduzione: Osservazione sulla tortura" by Giuseppe Bonghi [pdf]
  • "Introduzione" to Verri's L'Orazione panegirica sulla Giurisprudenza milanese, by Carlo Antonio Vianello [pdf]
  • "Pain and human action: Locke to Bentham" by Marco E. L. Guidi, 1994 [pdf] (good discussion on Ortes and Verri)
  • Progetto Settecento by Giuseppe Bonghi
  • Verri entry in Catholic Encycl
  • Verri entry in Britannica
  • Verri entry at
  • Wikipedia


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